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Everything posted by N.O.S.

  1. I reckon you're right there, Goncalo - but it does look nice!
  2. The SUN even got their weapons consultant Andy McNab to appraise the capabilities of the triangular flapjack - he doesn't see it as a front line SAS weapon anytime soon :rofl:
  3. As the Armstrong & Miller airmen might say: All that live bullet stuff is like so lame - show us your flapjack scars!
  4. How many links in a Sherman track on one side? I count 63 or 64.
  5. Breaking news tonight on local TV: In Canvey Island a school has just decreed that triangular shaped flapjacks are dangerous and have banned them - the school canteen which makes them has to cut the slabs into squares from now on. This as a result of a pupil being sent home with a sore eye - after being hit by one during a food fight. Now how about banning the throwing of *&^%$$£ food instead? Alternatively, how can you de-activate a flapjack? The world has gone mad - it's official
  6. 1140 days ago? I suggest you check your outstanding bar bill in the Clubhouse - it is a wee bit on the large size and I suspect has been added to fairly recently :whistle:
  7. A couple of related items in this set from British Pathe (don't you know): http://www.britishpathe.com/gallery/amazing-transport-inventions/0
  8. What diesels do you have fitted in your fleet? There were some Cummins 6B engined ones around - one was for sale in Southampton(?) area couple of years back, looked tidy.
  9. I've just ordered this book - it may have the answer to the contractor's locomotive.
  10. In the days of MVS at Litchfield I found 3 stillages full of white skis. Could have been had for next to nothing, but it wasn't until I got home I realised it would have made brilliant picket fencing!
  11. The 2 trucks left foreground are interesting - no bonnets or radiators!
  12. If ever there was a case for a dedicated recovery policy, this must be it. If I take my daily vehicle abroad I get it covered on AA Relay, but I have a sneaking the same vehicle value limit applies? The dedicated 'recovery' policies as operated by some companies for the larger vehicles are limited by total cost per incident rather than linked to the value of the vehicle. Sounds like you need one of these if they are available for < 3.5t vehicles.
  13. I suppose we should accept that not everyone has the same empathy with MVs, and the fact that this one was 'tricked' could well have contributed to it surviving for so long. Street / rod conversions can look great if well done.
  14. Reckon there might be a Gardner engine hidden in there. I try to be open-minded, but that makes me fell quite ill
  15. Now that is a most unusual locomotive - maybe a Fletcher Jennings if they are solid (webbed spoke) wheels?
  16. Seen recently in the middle of a crowded fresh produce market in the centre of Jerusalem - a WW2 (probably GMC) axle, just been set up to drive a set of 150 year old grinding stones to produce bread flour!!
  17. I believe there are only two wheels off - see other side. :trustme: P.S. Had a hassling day so feeling particularly pedantic tonight :cool2:
  18. More fun to do it with this - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zBjlSJf4274 Designed for snow but they will float too. I'd certainly feel happier with a P6 version not the petrol paraffin!
  19. Not familiar in the least with these Fodens, but: Do these transmissions have a lock-up facility? Many have a system whereby once the drive is smooth the torque converter goes into 'lock-up' i.e mechanical drive straight through. When the load gets excessive the converter comes out of lock-up and this seems like the box is changing down but it isn't. I had experience of an Allison CBLT4460 with this feature in a 30t dumptruck, and would be amazed if these Fodens were not similar. So may not be the gear change, but the lock-up valve causing the harshness? I only mention this because the lock-up change is typically much more harsh than the smooth clutch pack gear changes.
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