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Everything posted by N.O.S.

  1. Two old guys talking, one says 'I use INCORRECT as my computer password. That way, if I ever forget it and enter a wrong password the computer tells me my password is INCORRECT'.
  2. If ever there was a case for owning a Suzuki SJ this narrow track makes it quite convincingly!
  3. I just popped into the Clubhouse Softskin Bar. What the heck happened in there last night then, was that your lot, Rosie? Jack's gonna be wild.....
  4. Jerry - that was last Autumn which is why you were able to do it. Since sometime before February the matter has been effectively taken out of DVLA's hands in that HMC+E have to be satisfied that duty has been paid before the registration application can be processed. My local DVLA office were quite adamant that unless the correct evidence was provided the application would not even be considered. Hopefully the worst case scenario is that you'd have to pay VAT in lieu of import duty. It is not clear whether there is an avenue to present a case for not paying this, the rules seem to be very clear - provide the evidence that duty is paid or DVLA will not process the application. I would suggest the quickest way is to to declare to HMC+E that no proof of duty being paid can be provided and request amount of duty due so it can be paid and the application along with supporting proof of payment can be passed so DVLA for processing.
  5. OK so from 15th April the way you account for VAT on imports is changing: https://www.gov.uk/importing-vehicles-into-the-uk/vat-duty-and-tax-vehicles-from-within-the-eu However - and this is what annoys me - on 11th February I was told by DVLA that they would not newly register an imported vehicle unless a VAT/Import Duty form accompanied the V55/5 vehicle registration application form (see my post above). The 15th April date seems to merely be the start of a new way of reporting that VAT has been paid or declaring liability - since at least early February DVLA have been enforcing this using C+E form 386 (from within EU) or C+E 384 (from outside EU). See https://www.gov.uk/importing-vehicles-into-the-uk/vat-duty-and-tax-vehicles-from-outside-the-eu Paying VAT or duty If you don’t qualify for a relief, you must pay VAT or duty. Fill in one of the forms below and send to HMRC: - form C&E 386 - for individuals personally importing a vehicle - form C&E 384 - for importing a vehicle for private use from outside the EU See also http://www.hmrc.gov.uk/vat/sectors/consumers/personal-vehicles.htm and also (dated 4th April) https://www.gov.uk/importing-vehicles-into-the-uk/registering-an-imported-vehicle
  6. Coming in on Monday? Ha ha bloody ha. I picked up 3 forms - one for a s/h German loading shovel and 2 for WW2 wreckers back in Feb(?) and was given the form for the German shovel. I was told I'd need a different form for the 2 x U.S. vehicles from HMCE. As it was the agricultural dealer I got the shovel from said they'd sort the registration for me when I went and asked them to get a letter from the manufacturer / importer for me - I don't know whether they got a letter from the manufacturer or just fudged it somehow (it was sold new in the UK by a main dealer. I mean really - did they expect think it had been smuggled in?? . What a complete shambles. I'd have thought the were more important things to worry about.
  7. I will have to cross this bridge soon. Even a WW2 U.S. truck that spent its life here after the war will be caught if not previously registered (e.g. wrecker used on trade plates until parked up). If anyone has any recent experiences that might help us, don't be shy in coming forward! :-|
  8. Here's what I posted on Jeep registration thread a couple of months ago: V55/5 Alert - V55/5 Alert :trustme: Did they give you a VAT 414 form with the V55/5? If not, then expect to have one thrust at you. That'll wipe the smile off your face :cool2: I think this is a new policy as from end of November 2012 (ish). This may - or may not - give you a problem. You need to be able to prove that import duty was paid when your jallopy from Uncle Sam came into the country. Only a letter from the manufacturer will suffice - I was told nothing else will do. I haven't tested the water yet - but I think it will depend very much on who processes your application. You may be lucky - if so let us know. Keep well away from the office I went to...... Worst case scenario you'll have to pay VAT in lieu of import duty - but only if you can get the application to be considered in the first place without the right documentation. And VAT on what? Original price? Current value? I'll put the kettle on, shall I? :laugh:
  9. The locomotive is confirmed as one of the Platt types - example in 'as built' condition below. Unusual design but quite successful in service.
  10. Hey, go easy with them positive waves, man! (Or was it 'Knock it off with them positive waves'?) We've found if you heap too much praise on him, it all goes to his head and the thread goes quiet for a while. Best just keep the compliments to a dribble and that makes for steady progress :-D
  11. I can recommend Axholme signs for bespoke stencils Steve! Hope you're all up and about soon.
  12. They must have taken some hard graft to keep seaworthy over the years. A bit different to running a brand new one in the sea for a month or so.
  13. Our old Humber breakdown could have done with being much better supported when it went around corners - would have saved that seasick feeling every time :-X
  14. 'Other items' include a Holmes 45 twin boom wrecker unit and another similar - any DT nutters out there need one?
  15. Hang on - wasn't that the shortest day?
  16. You make a good point GeePig :thumbsup:
  17. Oh no - please don't waste valuable tanker photo searching time with the cone :shake:
  18. They're 2,000 gallon tankers - you said 4,000 gallon, come on now - deliver the goods!!!!! :nono:
  19. Aha - a penny dropped. I wonder if the first photo on this thread is a Navy tanker? (AN registration?) I have a manual somewhere for a twin axle one which is very similar. I'll try to find it. No idea if it is WW2era or not. Here is a post war single axle tanker, almost certainly USAF. Note the frameless construction:
  20. Goncalo - most of mine are from the fold3 website so I shouldn't really post them here. If you go to the fold 3 site and search for refuelling under European theatre in the USAAF group you should find them. Also look at the 100th BG website - there are a coupe on there. Tony (Hi Paul :-)) (Send those photos over!!!!!)
  21. The sand is probably correct period for a Hotchkiss :whistle:
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