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Richard Farrant

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Everything posted by Richard Farrant

  1. All the J60 engines in wheeled and tracked vehicles were modified to electronic ignition by the MoD about 35 years ago. I know this as was involved in doing some. No doubt there may be an odd exception, but not come across one, barring one from Belgian army.
  2. The Chilwell census number list for WD 'B' vehicles was an official publication, it was copied by Rob van Meel of Groucho Publishing some years ago. I was once shown an original of this document. The copy is correct up to Nov. 1944. The loss of any contract cards will not effect this list and any gaps or "missing" contracts could be for contracts destined for Air Ministry or Admiralty. As the MW was also issued to the RAF, this is a possibility. Richard
  3. Hi Danny, The Chilwell list is not showing that Contract. This could be one of two things, it may be an RAF or Navy contract, as Chilwell list is only Army, or a late contract as my list ends in late 1944 I think. Do you have the Cat. Ref. number from the Contract plate? Richard
  4. Z4760260 to 4765259 V4564 Cat. Ref. 71 MW GS body. The only way you will find chassis numbers is to find a parts list for that Contract No. or Key Card with vehicles of that contract on it.
  5. Here is to prove that a V8 will fit; http://www.fourwheeler.com/news/1608-behind-the-scenes-of-awesome-toyo-tires-ferret-video/
  6. Well done, Nic. The Saracen is a credit to you. Once the carb is sorted out, you will be able to enjoy it. regards, Richard
  7. The Matchless looks to be from a 1944 contract. Engine was rebuilt by 14 Command Workshop REME, in Ashford, Kent in 1953.
  8. You might like to see this thread from MLU forum from a few years back, read from message 7 onwards; http://www.mapleleafup.net/forums/showthread.php?t=16094&highlight=ferret+pump+wife
  9. Hi Andrew, sorry I missed you at Headcorn. It was a fabulous weekend, and some new vehicles on show there. Well run and as always the aircraft part of the show was great. Seeing the Catalina arrive on Friday, and then today myself and friends having a guided tour of it with three very informative crew members was something special, an enjoyable half hour. Watching the Mitchell go out every day for its Eastbourne displays was a treat to. Well done to Headcorn Special Events team and IMPS.
  10. Looking forward to Combined Ops this weekend. We are in for a treat, with the Catalina flying boat flying in for a static display over the weekend and the Duke of Brabant B25 Mitchell using Headcorn for a base while displaying all four days at Eastbourne airshow. Here are some details from the Headcorn Special Events site; Air timings for Combined Ops this weekend Headcorn Thursday 11th B25 Mitchell Arrives 12.00 noon Friday 12th ... Catalina arrives 14.00 (L)
  11. Hi Martin, By cross referencing the cable listed in the parts book, which was in Imperial size, it works out to 805/0.30 415amps in modern Metric. The AES order number is 010605 as I recommended. Might see you tomorrow? Richard
  12. First thing to check for is if the pedal pivot is seized / rusted
  13. CMP: Canadian Military Pattern There were both Ford and Chevrolet versions
  14. Easy mistake to make as they are universally referred to as a Blitz in Aus, whereas over here we generally call them a CMP. Someone has seriously messed with the front panels! Is this because it has been fitted with a larger engine?
  15. Hi Lars, I am guessing from you calling the Ford a Blitz that you are in either Australia or NZ. Letting people know where you are will help you locate the parts needed. I know the Australian MV scene and there is still a lot of Blitz stuff around and many collectors will gather anything useful rather than let the scrappies have it. By the way, welcome to the forum! regards, Richard
  16. I had no complaints this year, we all had a good time meeting up with old and new friends, looking at MV's and searching for elusive parts. One good feature this year which we frequented in the evenings after dinner, was the new Gentleman's Lounge, a lovely atmosphere and good beer, especially the War & Peace Special. I noticed in the programme that next year's dates are a week later, 25th - 29th July. This should fit in with school holidays. Having been to all of these shows, including pre-Beltring at Tenterden, I look forward to it every year, and still think of it as "our" event, as it was the annual IMPS military vehicle show.
  17. That part number was later changed to 25535 by all accounts and it appears to have been a common used starter on MG, Austin and a number of other makes, besides Standard and rebuilt ones are available. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/255378-25535-Lucas-M418G-Starter-Motor-Austin-Humber-MG-Morris-Riley-Sunbeam-/301943492507 If you read my earlier post, disregard it as I have now deleted it.
  18. I was going to mention Fred's QL but you beat me to it. It is in North Kent.
  19. Thanks for the photo of my lorry, you caught me taking a rest around the back. Unless I missed one, it was the only QL at the show. cheers Richard
  20. Hi Andy, This company transported some vehicles down to W&P last week, http://www.nicksampson.com/ They are from Barnstaple. No connection, but saw them unload and reload, remembered where they came from.
  21. Its a wolf in ferret's clothing, got a V8 in the back and more mods; http://www.actionvehicleeng.com/toyo-ferret/
  22. The generator would be Mawdsley, ( not Maudslay who were a lorry manufacturer).
  23. Not affecting access to the show if coming eastbound via M20 / A20. That all kicked off Friday onwards anyway.
  24. Hi Clive, You forward to catching up with you. regards, Richard
  25. That ties up, the contract was allocated census numbers C5104201 to C5109200, frame number 6001 to 11000 according to the Chilwell list
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