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Richard Farrant

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Everything posted by Richard Farrant

  1. Anyone interested in these RL wheels, make me an offer. Sound condition, they were spare wheels for Green Goddesses. Buyer collects from Kent.
  2. Local to me, but was unaware of this business.
  3. Gary, Check the carb flange, you often find these have been over tightened and with a soft gasket, they end up bowed. Put a straight edge (steel rule on edge from hole to hole) or place on a surface plate and check with feeler gauges.
  4. The Boughton winch originally fitted on the RB44 military vehicles had a maximum pull on bottom layer of 3.7 tonnes with the PRV (pressure relief valve) set at 54 bar. On no account was the pull to exceed 4.08 tonnes. Your biggest problem is holding the vehicle on a pull near that figure, also remember if you calculate the pull to be near maximum, then you use a 2:1 set up as you do not want to be having the PRV cut in when you are underway. I used to repair, test and calibrate winches on all Army vehicles and equipment.
  5. Hi Ron, The British Forces WDB40 motorcycles had a low level exhaust and a pannier frame each side, the bags were of have canvas material unlike the Australian contract. I am sure the gear ratios in the British army models was same as yours, I had two and worked on some for the army. The gear clusters were sought after for competition trials because of the ratios. regards, Richard
  6. The ones in this link are not WDB40 panniers.
  7. The standard pannier frames and bags used on the WW2 bikes, as well as the postwar TRW are nothing like those fitted on the late 60's WD B40 models. I had two back in the early 70's.
  8. On those Medium artillery tractors supplied to Britain, the bottom gear of the 5-speed gearbox was blanked off. This info was from a wartime War Office publication.
  9. Thanks Paul, Will see what comes of it. Currently waiting for the owner to let me know the model type of gearbox to narrow down the search. regards, Richard
  10. Hi all, My question is not related to MV's but forum members often have interests in other types of vehicles. I am trying to find out if parts are available for a Dennis fire engine. To be precise, I need a gearbox input shaft (4-speed box) for a 1961 Dennis F28. Even a good used one would be OK so long as it has good splines and gear teeth. regards, Richard
  11. The size of winch rope will depend on the load rating of the winch. There would be a data plate of model number on it.
  12. I think it is 356 Golden Yellow, but Clive will no doubt confirm.
  13. Clive, JSCS: Joint Supply Chain Services - Ashchurch
  14. Clive, Have a look at page 2 of this link; https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0ahUKEwj6zMGJ1dzMAhVClxQKHczTBT4QFggoMAA&url=https%3A%2F%2Fdata.gov.uk%2Fdata%2Fcontracts-finder-archive%2Fdownload%2F451978%2Fabf82b94-78f6-4e5d-a645-cd741c0ed303&usg=AFQjCNFHOTmFz1QezPGWiW4qkxfzj0K4SA Hope it works...
  15. Hi Clive, I am sure SVCS is 'Services' regards, Richard
  16. You are right Bernard, took along time to get over that!
  17. Gee thanks for dragging that up again Bernard :embarrassed: Borax ... now that was something the army used to issue as hand cleaner
  18. Steve, He has been on holiday and should be back this week.
  19. An old acquaintance who has now sadly gone, restored another ex-Dorset CC quad, same letters on the rego, but not the numbers. Just found a link showing it, https://www.facebook.com/TheFRSCollection/timeline?ref=page_internal
  20. Did you show them a copy of web page (link I sent you) ? That is a website for testers to ask questions, your question was there with an answer. They should do it, no question.
  21. Which type of distributor is fitted, if it is the one where the whole body turns on vacuum advance, it needs an earth wire from distributor body to the engine block. Also to elaborate on what Nick has said, you may well have timed the engine on No.1 cyl, but have you got the other leads in correct order of rotation in the dist. cap?
  22. Just used the phrase 'MoT testing unregistered vehicle' and up it popped
  23. I was a bit pre-occupied last night, but thought I should have a stab at this one.
  24. A makeshift operating table for a field hospital, maybe using a door across two trestles?
  25. It took less than a minute to find it! Google is my friend
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