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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. brakes about £45 for wheel cylinders, £60 for master. Shoes are quite pricy, but haven't looked recently. Apart from transmission and some body panels WC spares. So cost of purchase and shipping to take into account. Brakes can be finiky, but if set up by the book are fine.
  2. Reasonably easy to work on, spares available, it is a Dodge! :-D Check brakes, what sort of condition is it?
  3. That is a nice vehicle, as for exposure, well if it ever stops raining, it will definitley turn heads around London. Any muppet can have a BMW. If you are lucky enough to have a joy like that, be a shame not to actually use it.
  4. Not to be left out, Nessie is putting in a summer season! :-D
  5. Just picked one of these up from a boot sale, £5. Dated 1962 so to late for mine if anyone needs one. Can you post a Jerry can?
  6. Not so far I'm afraid. Will chase it up.
  7. Is that classed as Recovery or Archeology? Good job you photgraphed it , no one would belive it otherwise. Just had an odd trhought. My local sorting office at Orpington has an engraved plate on the wall showing a Landy and 432 + 1, I can't remember. It commemerates the Gulf War BFPS.
  8. Some survived , my Mossberg has Property of United states on the barrel. As long as they don't ask for it back!. :-D
  9. RN have badges on overalls never seen them on army though.
  10. Yeah but have you seen Peckham in the rush hour? :beatenup:
  11. Tony B

    What fuse?

    Wattage of circuit dived by voltage gives ampage. Use a fuse about 3 or 4 amps higher than than that figure.
  12. Thanks for that. But why is it wearing what looks suspicously like a Force 135 badge?:cool2:
  13. FMW as in the little tractors and dockyard runabouts?
  14. Welcome in, point out to CBC, they are an appreciating asset. :-D
  15. Feeding to prisoners was considered a cruel and unusal punishment. Apparently first made in US by Kraft in 1916, when the MOD must have obtained it supplies, found this quote Competitors referred to it as embalmed cheese.:-D For those who have never endured, think of a large lump of the orange muck on cheeseburgers.
  16. TSU824, please. I know I've seen her about, didn't know someone here owned her though. :-D
  17. This is going to sound wrong, but What is the marking on the front of the WOT?
  18. Not coming to you for a barbaque! :red:
  19. Oh well Welcome, you can graduate to a Dodge later. :-D
  20. Of course anybody with a C&G in magnetic particle crack detection can see the GPR results are the bullion trains, the Nazi nuclear bombs will be directly underneath them .. Probably deliverd there from the Nazi Artic Flying saucer base.
  21. Considering how many Zillions have been spent on a recreation of the Amber Room, if it is there, someone is going to be very p****d off! :-D
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