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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Jam butties mine! Apart from not admitting I know what the hell your talking about, PffT! We've got a Treacle Mine under a pub near here. :pfrt:
  2. BP are still looking for a couple of 150,000 oil tankers. :-D Who knows what the rest of the hull may be made of? :cool2:
  3. MOD managed to loose a Seven horse , Lorry box. At a certain International airport a long time ago, they were building another Terminal. Easter arrived and everyone downed tools and headed off for a long weekend on the Guissness (That's how long ago) Save a couple of little Security Muppets. Following Tuesday site manager turns up fresh as a Daisy- Then thinks 'Hang on! The place has changed'. Says to little men on the gate 'Where's the Tower Crane?' Oh comes the reply 'The contractors turned up Sunday morning early so we let them in'. Security had been very helpful, even made some of the guys tea. :-D
  4. OK only half a kicking for letting a Dodge get into that state. :-D She is a lovely thing again now though.
  5. Has it been road registered before? If so you may find it's still on the DVLA books, so no problem. If it is a new register you will need year of construction as there are obvious advantages to get it accepted as a classic. If DVLA kick off, at least one I know has been road registered before. I'll try and get the index number for you.
  6. Considering what WW2 vehicles , actually any vehicle pre about 1960, were built to run on, if it burns it runs. Mine do get the ocassional dose of 40:1 two stroke, if I fill from the wrong can. Never seems to worry them.
  7. Only thing about these, be carful they use Boron and the dust is nasty.
  8. Yes they did do overseas work. Being an 'Offshore' territory the Channel Islands have distinct advantages to doing things HMG, don't really want to know about, hence the SA engines. What does the inspection mark look like? at 1977 could well be a St Aubins engine.
  9. Aviation Jersey were in the 1970's Alvis Fighting vehicle main dealer. They had a workshop at St Aubin's in Jersey, and also built electric wheelchairs. I never decided wether it was cashing in both ends or salving the conciense. The place was quite unremakable from the outside but was able to fully rebuild Meteor engines. They also did as the name suggests aviation work, but I was never involved in that. I did work for them for a short time back in that period. The company got grief for rebuilding South African Saracen engines. About two years afterwards some Poiltico got on their feet in Westminster and started spouting off, especially as some spares had come from MOD Aldershot. There was also allegations of illegal modifications on a Merlin engine fitted to a Mosquito that crashed. The last I saw of AJ there was a single office tucked away behind the St Peter's Co-Op, but that building has since been demolished. I see now they have moved out to Le Hoc, weird place out that end of the Rock. Though Seagrove stores is only a small ex shop building.
  10. Security is everything! Don't be suprised if your Father does clam up. Most veterans still do. A lot of techniques they pionered are still relevant, pencil and paper tend not to breack down. :-D
  11. So do these have a separate engine/generator unit and split the charge or are they self contained? Never seen one before.
  12. Welcome in. That is a nice collection of stuff. Did someone mention Buggati? Been reading up on Benoit and Williams latley.
  13. Yes please. Keep me in mind for Southern England , London or Kent please.
  14. Looks in remarkably good condition. The cabs are a prone to tin moth, not suprising really .
  15. Might experiment on a pice of old junk. Now where is there a Jeep? :-D
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