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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. There were originally two of the pumps, but one was scrapped. However we do seem to have some duplictaions of bits I'll have another hunt around the shop next weekend and see what comes out. First jobs going to be a lot of hot soapy water to get years of crud off. :-D
  2. OH YOU DARLING!! Love and kisses! :-D
  3. Any info on the type of engine would be welcome, at this stage I've only got a solitary head. The bits are buried around a well stocked workshop, so more digging is in the offing. Though an alternate would be to source another, if I knew what the Bl**dy thing was! This is litterally Day 1 of the project. Another thing is the pump is sledge mounted with small dolly wheels. It appears to be fixed at the front under a welded hook plate. Does anyone know if the pump dismounts from the trailer? It sems obvious it would, the trailer is raeally a way to transport and store hoses, plenty of which are available.
  4. That confirms it's man portable then! :-D
  5. Thanks both. The brass plates are instructions on the lower one, can't read anything on the top at the moment, that's why I want to clean them up. The engine is tiny, the head is only about 60cm long, it fits transverse on the frame. There were originally two, so we have odd bits of both. At least at the moment it can be cleaned up as a static display. But what's the point of a pump if you can't squirt with it? :cool2: Recovery is still under way at the moment. Next job is drag it out get it down to the garage.
  6. Welcome in , lovley vehicle you have.
  7. A new toy has come into my life, subject to finding all the bits of the engine in the shed. A Coventry Climax Godiva pump. So questions if anyone might know, first what type of engine? The bits I have a re a small 4 cylinder flat head, and a couple of header tanks. Second where would the capacity of the pump be found? I think its a 500 gpm. Mauals are supposed to be coming. Third has anyone suggestions as to revive the brass plates?
  8. Jeepart are also a useful supplier of Dodge parts, I now use them. Jon Bizal at Midwest in the US, parts are cheap, shipping is ***** unfortunatley. Dodges have a little tube behind thermostst housing that can block/corrode, that can cuase problems. Desperatley touching wood, my two have never had that problem. Gordon's Dodge Forum will give you the details on it.
  9. Cherised are very helpful with imports as well. They will cover on chassis number till you get it home and re-register. Don't forget to tell them you are on HMVF, and got reccomended here, may get you a discount.
  10. That's why it is so long! To keep a Carthorse in the back to drag it round! :-D Power steering, three Weetabix for breckfast.
  11. Not for the new site I'm afraid. I know what you mean about NZ mail, I send stuff from UK. :nut:
  12. Worth e mailing before hand. I had a similar problem with my WC54 I needed to prove age but as it was a bequest, I wasn't named at that time. A solicitors letter worked fine. They also e mailed that they had details before asking for payment.
  13. I knew there had been changes, thanks for clarifying. :thanx:
  14. If your lucky you will get the date to the day, if not the week or month.
  15. The Walter P Chrysler Musuem have copies of the build cards. You can also get a list of those who have been cross referenced on Gordon's Dodge Forum http://forum.ww2dodge.com/
  16. Welcome in. Wish I had your skill. Love the top one, :-D
  17. a lot of it out of the Ford Spares box. Afriend of mine had one for years, and the earliar Mercury. They are good simple vehicle, no nasty hidden problems. The only problem may be the fuel tank, however! If it is reasonable nick, no obvious holes, then consider putting a coating in it. Trying to think of the name, Por something , if I remember.
  18. There was a steam powered system like this used on His Majesty's Small Warships, mostly requisitioned fishing craft. It was steam powered tube that threw a grenade and wire up. Not popular so reports go.
  19. What you are thinking of is Z Batteries. Developed up Dear Old Fort Halstead in the 1930's . Both they and the Navy were looking at basic shotgun approch to mass bomber formations, throw a load of proximity fused ordnance up, and see what came done. There were batteries at Lessons Hill in Kent on the South East edge of London and at Kenley airfeild, near Carsholton that I know of.
  20. YES! :yay: Definitley Ver Sur Mer!!!! There is the road now named 50 Div way, ideal. The picture of the Cromwell is what is now 50 Div way, also near were the first Trans Atlantic Post aircraft landed. Plus I've contacts around there, so we could have a good old Forum Jolly. :cool2: Some of the local atracttions. http://www.goldbeachmusee.org.uk/
  21. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-39171006 So where? Somewhere other than Arramonches I hope.
  22. Div patch Sword coming from water -7th Infantry Div. Flags Regimental signaller Blue on left White with blue stripe on right. Can't make out cap badge though.
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