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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Often the mud gaurds on trailers of this age were just bent flat sheet. Is the axle an ex car one? That also seems to be quite common, I suspect many such trailers were knock up from whats about.
  2. Going back to this. Does anyone know of a tool that would vibrate something like this. I don't mean beat the C** out it, but sort of an ultrasonic wrench?
  3. With all the work your doing, be daft to spoil the ship for a h'aporth of tar. New fuel line isn't that pricey. I'd check, paint, grease and replace any odd bit whilst you have the room to do so. Plenty of copper grease or anti size on any bolt going back in as well. You never know! And a future custodian will bless you. :-D
  4. They are -diffrent- to drive. :-D Especially over a speed bump. Most of the works are Ford. There is one at the dockyard Portsmouth, and a long time ago one appeared in the opening credits of a TV show about the RN.
  5. Huffington Post have just posted the vidieo of the Discovery! Can't get a link to post unfortunatley.
  6. As I remember from fitting these years ago, a standard RING spreader plate fits. I had one on the front of 3 109, it was parked up on the side of the road, the only vehicle in the road. A woman came out of a house jumped into her convertble Ford Escort , backed out of her drive, then continued going backwards a good fifty feet, straight into the NATO hitch. I had to repaint it! :mad:
  7. Welcome in. The old FMW seem to be undergoing a revival at the moment.
  8. Having been a trustee of a charity some years back, may I make a suggestion? Get one person who has no knowledge of the subject, but a good buissness head. Does help to wind some of the wilder fantasise we are all prone to. :-D
  9. The little motorised dollies were definitley used around Munitions Works.
  10. If you are thinking of Crowd Funding or shares, and being Mercenary- :cool2: Would that include a Life Time Founder Membership Entry?
  11. Steri strips or a tube of medical superglue are quicker and eaiser. After all that's what suprglue was designed to do in the first place. Field suturing is not always advisable as some of the nastiest bugs are Anerobic- Without Oxygen- so sealing a wound even with Savalon can lead to more problems by sealing dirt in. Wash well with salty water, or your own Urine. Normal Urine is sterile. I'd add good old TCP to any kit of mine, multiple uses including a gargle for throat infections, taste is foul but it works. Alginate (Seaweed) dressings are the modern way to go.
  12. Don't worry you can declare you 'Bleed green' here. Welcome in
  13. Crated Spitfires in the shell racks? :yawn:
  14. I always class a 'Practical Classic' as can you get it into a Tesco car park and put the shopping in. In your case.... you could get that into Tesco's. :-D Add a whole new dimension to scan and shop.
  15. Welcome in. I used to run with the Medway Military Vehicle group, we had 101's and Rapier B1MLI, comomly called Bimleys.
  16. Correct, Grasshopper! There were apparently two at one stage. The engine was supposed to be 'In the shed', but apparently that was scrapped as well. Mind you if the place is ever emptied it may turn up. Next bit is to try and negotiate some nozzles and fittings. There in there somewhere.
  17. So that's what was blocking the filters? You just never know. The most I've ever found in a wrecked car is about 32p.
  18. Progress on this project. The trailer has now come out of it's den amongst the brambles and is in store in Phil's garage. The tyres held air enough for to tow it to the garage but if anyone knows of a pair of 5.50 x 16 please let me know. The condition is remarkably good, a patch of rust about 8 x 6 inches through the base plate and some along the edge of one side of the hose store boxes. A high power hose took off the muck, and a lot of paint showing that it was originally grey. Brakes are a bit sticky, but worked free so that;s a simple strip and clean. The next thing will be the pumps compliments of Andy. With the odd collection of bits that came with the trailer one running pump is almost a definite, maybe even both. The trailer has at some stage been fitted with NATO trailer socket and screw in lights. Though so far I can't find a data plate on it.
  19. Blimey! When you start you start big. :-D Welcome in.
  20. Useful place. They also re sleeve cylinders
  21. One useful trick, gently warm some engine oil till surface starts to rainbow then pour slowly over stuck articale. Adding a bit of Disiel fuel will make it less viscous. Freezer spray can also work very well if you can direct it onto the stud.
  22. A friend of mine is a commercial welder. He has a little inverter set bought about ten years ago. Funnily enough he had it up last week to repair a trailer mud guard. He reckons they are useful little beasts, and have come down in price a lot, but wouldn't use it for heavy work.
  23. It's a :yay::dancinggirls:Day! Thanks to Andy :-D Pumps now located and the spare dolly for my generator/arc set to mount on! Nothing like multi purpose.
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