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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Welcome in. There seem to be a number of these coming out of the woodwork at the moment. Don't know if you have road driven it yet, but they make speed bumps a whole new fun experience.
  2. Cut a ring of rubber from an old tube and line wheel with that.
  3. Apart from change barrel never had one dismantled I'm afraid.
  4. oh the joys of a %788**** Land Rover! Try taking the barrel out of the lock and see if the catch works, that way you may only need a new set of barrels.
  5. Sean is right, one is to many, they split and breed, we all know that! :-D
  6. A very special example of a sound recording.
  7. RE think. EOD equipment? Portable x ray.
  8. AFV guided weapon sight, possibly Swingfire?
  9. Or will it be a modern version of the Man With the red Flag walking in front? :-D
  10. At the current level of Autonomy, we have ABS. One real problem with buses is that leaves etc pile up at the kerb. As you come into stop you as a driver are aiming at specfic spot. Then one wheel will hit the sludge and lock, resulting in the ABS unlocking the brakes, which then causes the vehicle to roll on, with nothing you can do about. Notice manaufactueres-probably through no choice of theirs - have to put in a warning that Braking performance can be impaired in slippery conditions. Research tends to show that people 'pass the buck' to the automation, wasn't me !! The machine went wrong. Society aims to make things foolproof. Humanity responds by improving the Fool. Self guided autonomus vehicles were demonstrated in Woolwich a few years back. so were guided bus ways. Both failed due to relaibilty of equipment. OK so that may well improve, but I can't see it happening soon.
  11. And I have a spare plug! Triangular pin layout at 10mm centres. Internal across the threaded base about 51mm. Quick measure with rule.
  12. 3. If there is an electronic 'tacho' to keep a check on what has been done how will you know it has not had a 'cheat' built in? Do you really want to entrust your safety and that of others to a 'box' that would, given half a chance record Corrie instead of East Enders! Martin A lot of commercial companies and more insurance companies do just that. The problem is you then 'Drive to the Box' not to the road and weather conditions. My lot installed such a system about five or six years ago. To quote the MD at the time 'Turned out there would have been better ways of spending £6,00,000. All the results showed us was you lot drive well'. :-D
  13. On the other hand. It would be nice to remove a lot pedestrians and Cyclists from their electronic brains, they then may become aware of the real world again. :noyay:
  14. I've polished everything up, and yet again, Clive is correct! :bow:Code 0568- Which explains why I was told it was marine
  15. Many already seem to assume the car drives itself, whilst they. 1 Chat away on the phone 2 Rock to the beat on their earphones 3 Assume the car will not pull out into oncoming traffic when there is no room. 4 Think the car automatically keeps a safe distance from the one in front 5 Automatically tells the oncoming vehicle it is about to turn in front of it 4 Will park itself when they get out and leave it 5 Is in complete control whilst they are plucking the hair out of their ears (And YES, I have seen that :wow:) 6 Knows the rules about stop at red traffic lights 7 Knows the rules about yellow boxes 8 Will make all the decions whilst they fiddle with paperwork (Last night) 9 Can see in the dark with no lights, (Often) I could go on , but lifes to short.
  16. They stay on the road for a start! :-D My two used to have NDC on them, I have now replaced them with modern truck radials, so much nicer to know you will stop and steer in the rain.
  17. Right gents. I stripped out the plug. These came from a DERA site, who have a habit of doing things their own way with kit. :-D and tend to hang on to odd bits for years so could be anywhere from 1940's to 1970's and beyond. The metal is non magnetic, I think machined aluminium. Inert insert is porcelain. Around the edge of the case are five sets of numbers 0568/5938/99/427/7361 No manufactuers name or mark. Funnily enough I do remember it being mentioned that the plug and the connector 'Are of a sort used in marine applications'. Given where they came from, also likely to be explosive safe. Hope this is of some help. The same mass tidy up included fifty or sixty WW2 Field dressings, so may well be same era.
  18. Quick picture of three pin male plug on my lamp.
  19. My two came direct for MOD stores, via skip :-D The two or three pin female, I got one of each was on the vehicle with a screw cover. Pins on lamp with a screw fixing to weatherproof it on socket.
  20. Told You! :-D Clive is in his heavily guarded Secret Archive, with the Knowledge of the Ancients at his fingertips. No mystery goes unsolved!
  21. Didn't know that one. Mine is Neither Fish nor Fowl or Good red Herring.
  22. looking at 35+ thought in NZ that might be tempeture rather than speed. :-D Funny place for temprature New Zealand, the only place you can walk up a glacier in a rain forest!
  23. Land Rover axles have a little tube or in the case of older ones a brass bell shaped object screwed into the top. This is the breather. The idea is to relive pressure in the axle when operating, most 4x4 axles have them. The older type can get bunged up with muck, they are just a ball bearing and spring, so it advisable every so often to remove and clean. The newer Landy's have a simple plastic pipe going from the axle up to some part of the chassis, these are known as remote breathers. The down side of these is they can get snapped short allowing muck or water into the axle or crimp and create over pressure. Have a look whilist it is the workshop and if you have the old type consider changing to a remote set. Often overlooked but important. Depending where you are based there are quite a lot of specalist landy dealers /restorers who have second hand bits. Local clubs are also useful for bits and help, always ready to 'Green' another lost soul. If you are starting totally from scratch, investin decent tools, cheap tools= damaged parts, lots of frustation and the job dosen't get done. I'd suggest the Halford's Advanced range, not the cheapest, but not as eye watering as brands such as Snap on, I use mine on everything from cars to the dodges and Land Rovers, never managed to breack them yet. If the locks turn out ok afte twiddling, you can buy cheaply a set of new barrels and keys, these will also fit second hand locks.
  24. I had one of these , petrol, in my 101 ambulance. You can get manuals for them on line They look simple but my advice RTFM!
  25. Someone had to much time and money on their hands.
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