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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Stop chucking bread in front of them! :-D
  2. Yes. They was a small manual tool, with twist lock sections. I have one some where. There were also large masts. There's a photo of QL's on Newmarket Heath I think with large ariels. I'll try and get a copy of the picture.
  3. Welcome in! Especially with that range of toys.
  4. I couldn't in all honesty say the AA are any good. Not whn I'm asked hwere is the M25! My advice over the years is gGreen Flag. If they don't get there in an hour, 50
  5. The trouble with the Mecury , if it is like my mates. The throttle pedal is in the middle! Can lead to intresting situations! :-D
  6. A real labour, many would ask Why bother? But they are lovley little under appreciated vehicles.
  7. Sorting out the rear convoy lights on My WC54 today. The left side (Drivers, in this case) rear convoy marker is red at the edges with white in the middle. The right had side has a single red dome light under the back and white convoy matker standard Dodge issue. The vehicle was rebuilt in 1952 and has been in Norway. My other one has white all round. Why the diffrence? The right side bottom lamp dosent work, it is the sealed unit, has anoyone modified these to fit a standard bulb?
  8. Tony B

    Fathers Day

    Then they get to about 18, and start becoming REALLY expensive! :-D
  9. Very nice model! Love the chairs.:-D
  10. Depends on your skills. They are expensive to run and get parts for. Silly jobs like changing apark plugs can be a nightmare, and on overun the rumble from the front axle can scare the life out of you the first time! So saying the Landrover 101 assocation are very helpful. Having owned the ambulance variety for a lot of years, I'd not say I miss it.
  11. So Watage of headlights (Which has gone completly out of mind!) divided by 12 gives you the amps the circuit takes. Check all switches including dip switch first, they are the most likley to be the seat of the problem. Then any place where the wire goes through a block, some of the old Lucas screw tops connectors are well beyong used by date. Funny enough I've been dealing with some on a 1939 Wolseley today. If any of the wires appear to have brittle or brocken insulation or burning at the ends, replace the whole wire.
  12. No. You'll have to check it all unfortunatley. However! Before starting on the hunt, what does the fuse protect and what ampage was it?
  13. Though on the plus side! There's plenty there to keep 'Her' amused whilst you are doing important things! Choclate , wine , plenty of shops....:-D http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/In_Flanders_Fields The CCS and cemetry where Mc Crea wrote the poem is just to the southEast of Ipere.
  14. Here you go. You can always leave Jane in Ipers for the day. One of the things about Belgium chuck a stone in any direction, where it lands you'll find something. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Mont_Sorrel http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Hill_60_(Western_Front) Tell her she can have two days. The musuem at Zoonebeke is another must place to visit. http://www.warmuseums.nl/
  15. Overloon? (Don't mention HMVF!) That is a must!
  16. Go to the area around Hill 62. You get both wars!
  17. I have two Jerry cans that came from a Normandy barn a few years back. They are yellow. Do look odd on a brown vehicle and keep getting told 'There wrong!'. But as I know the full history, no, that's how they got to Normandy.
  18. Middleburg and the Walchren peninsula is well worth a visit. There is also the weird street nearby where the buildings are all built off kilt. Our Dutch friends will no doubt give you the place. Not military, but something you realy should see. Fortress Eben Emael if it is open. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGKR4VP4pmM
  19. I thought the idea would be to rattle the gears! :shocked:
  20. Tony B


    I phoned them up, answer hasn't been tested. The EEC don't like you claiming things that haven't been tested!
  21. The one I have is an original green, so is the BSA Mk V. I wonder if the brown is the wrong?
  22. A couple of Tilly Lamps can be very effective. But your back at stage one, never safe to leave running overnight, a couple of chemical heating pads in the bag. Or the other very effective way, wear a wooly hat! (If all else fails, buy a Caravan!)
  23. Apparently the best gunpowder requires the Urea from a Port drinking Bisihop , with Gout. So what preperation is recommended for hardening metal?
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