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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Not a minefeild warning is it? Second thought, Haz Chem pollouted area.
  2. Welcome in! What a lovley thing. If the lottery comes up tommorow. I'm intrigued though, what have you been using her for?
  3. Under the drive given by the estemed members of this Forum, I've just been over the MK V bike. Just under the saddle left side is stamped the letters ABU. On the right side ,same area the number 103041. But most intrestingly, on the back horizontal bar of the parcel rack is FA 881 Mk IV 1943.
  4. Reminds me of when I first got my 101 Ambulance. I asked some RAMC who'd served in the first gulf war if they ever used the flaps on the top to cover the cross, the reply was 'Yes, our guys knew what we were , so we didn't need them. The Yanks thought the cross was a target'.
  5. I was sure I've seen that. Then I remembered! :laugh: It's on a Bass beer bottle! :blush:
  6. They do get about though. I've seen them in agricultural duties, air survey and parachute. Aparently, I think it was in Air America Vietnam, one was escorting a VC force, when it was intercepted by ahn AA Huey and shot down. Only time a flingwing has shot down a fixed.
  7. Some people have alll the fun! :embarrassed: The Russian equivalent of the Islander was supposed to be, a flying Land Rover.
  8. Or the classic Store's man answer 'No! You can't have it! There my stores, if you let you have any my records will be short!' Or Following a disasterous fire at the main MOD stores in the 1980 any request was answered F.O.F.A.D or **** Off Fire at Donnington. Not to mention the other classic 'Well I don't care how many you can see! The Computer says we have none in stock'. Ah, the joys of the MOD.
  9. Err. why do you think the rifles in the trademark? :-D
  10. Not something a simple as 'Keep Dry' is it:-D
  11. Is the green disc to mark the method of dispatch (Thinking you could be off on railways again) the red lines would have the routing and handaling information., or! Hedging bets the green dic can't go next to red disc , but can go nextto say a blue disc, a'la hazardous packing triangles.
  12. Ian, pm got and replied. I'll check the frame number of mine as well.
  13. Hey!! Any details on the box? That would go nicley with Mk V Roadster. That one does not have BSA on the Sprocket though. Incedentaly, I do have a 26 inch War Grade tyre and tube. I use my bikes and there was only one so I replaced it with new. Could be avilable to a good home.
  14. Well I normaly buy Y fronts, some of the ads that I get! Definitley not my style! :red:
  15. Oh well, at least half the brain is working! :-D Does the red indicate a specific type of ammunition?
  16. I just bought a pamphlet on SAA, put it safe, AND now can't find it!! But I'm pretty certain that is markings on a Small Arms Ammunition box.
  17. The original colour I've got back to is a very dull matt green, that's on the Folding Bike, black undercoat. Mine has lost a lot of paint (Deliberatly) so a lot of original manufactuer is visble on the frame. The brazing is so neat it would be a shame to cover it up.
  18. To make your day. Here are official WW2 War Office photots taken of US vehicles in UK service. Belived to be on Chiselhurst Common, about two miles from where I live. :-D
  19. Looks like, it could be some form of antenna layout.
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