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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Loks a lot better than when I last saw it! Hopefully at least Katy will be there!
  2. No chance of being unobtrusives then?:-D
  3. Can happen quicker than you think. That's why I have Katy the WC54. Carol knew none of the family would be intrested and didn't want her sold to some stranger.
  4. Welcome in Dave. We ALL thought we 'had a good idea' before we got involved with green machines. Be warned, it's incurable.
  5. At the amount of lead those things would lay down, you put up with the inconvnience.
  6. In my home patch of the Atlantic Wall, there were Britsh trucks, and commondered civillian vehicles, Chezc anti tank guns, French , German and Russian heavy artillery. French tank turrets, and modified French tanks. The biggest guns at Mirus were Ex Russian Batleship guns. The thing is most of the big artillery only had a barrel life of a hundered or so rounds.
  7. Would be nice to have one about, but I have to admit, a friendly garage is a lot easier. :-D By the way I will have a couple of 9 x 16 usable clover leaf a usable Firestone NATO and a workable Continental. If anyone intrested let me know, otherwise they will just sit.
  8. Well problem solved! A local garage has agreed to break the beads for me.
  9. Keep digging! The rest might be down there somewhere!:-D
  10. Welcome to the mad house. Your knowledge will be much in demand.
  11. Is it a fairlead for running wire out of?
  12. In that case, should we all start learning the words to Tower Bridge has fallen down?
  13. For a lot of reasons I have a thing about Herses. I have actually put in my will a codcil, not to be put in a hearse but either a Dodge or LWB Land Rover. When an old friend, probably well known to many when I tell the story, was buried a few years back his coffin was taken on the back of his old RL, escorted by a Land Rover and my WC51. Although a sad affair, the day did have it's smiles with the running joke, odd to see him on it rather than under it! Fortunatley I have a son to dump my junk on.
  14. Don't forget the red oil for the port lamp while you about! :-D Another classic from a guy I used to work with. He'd wait till you walked by with a cup of tea in bothe hands and ask 'What's the time?' It was suprising how many people automatically turned thier wrist to see thier watch.
  15. No but I'd not be suprised if it a piece of vetaniry kit. Looks very similar to a device called a Hobday speculum. Named after Sir Fredrick Thomas George Hobday. It was used in connection with a procedure known as Hobdaying. The procedure involves making an icision in the throat of a horse, mujle or ass, and removing the vocal chords. This was done to military horses to prevent them whinniying. Actually, your crack about night. It's not a (Note spelling ) Lanthorn, is it?
  16. The Dodge has the same type a dozen bolts holding the two halfs together. The other type with the C Clip are a bomb waiting to go off. My procedure before going anywhere near the split rim nuts is to take the valve out of the stem and keep it in my pocket. Then I know the tyre is deflated. Then split the bead, after that split the rim. The rim won't come out if the bead is intact. If you lossen the rim nuts slightly, then WITHOUT the valve in gentle add air to the tyre it will push the rim apart. BUT remove air pipe and wait for tyre to deflate agin before removing the nuts the rest of the way. Always double check rim nuts before re-inflation and take up in small stages.
  17. Good idea! I've a six volt Dodge. The other one is you can buy inverters much cheaper now, so I have a recharagble one from Maplins, that gives me a 12 volt or 240 volt output.
  18. Until some muppet drops the phone into the kettle to charge it. :-D (You just know it's going to happen) Er..... ONLY!!!
  19. Now use this loupe (Delibratley smeared) to exam the piece. 'I can't get it to focus'. So screw it around till it does. Then spend the rest of the day with a ring of Prussian blue around your eye. Not to mention the bucket of holes, the glass hammer and the 9/8' inch screw.
  20. Good thnking Batman! I have both articales lurking in the shed!:-D
  21. Thanks for info. Axis where into using captured kit as they never had enough of thier own. Is there evidence that Russian firearms were used by Axis? A lot of artillery pices were. Four guns like that would get your attention regardless of who made them.
  22. They have been suggested. I'll see where my local one is.
  23. OK!! So WHO has the temirity to doubt a Gipsy's cross country capability? :shocked: Even a little 17 year old 'erbet couldn't get one stuck! And he tried hard enough! :-D Ah the joys of youth, push starting motorboats, but that's another story, though it did involve the Gipsy.
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