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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Onr thing to bear in mind. No MV was built for comfort. Though I'd rather drive the Dodge long distance than a Series 3 Landy. A large vehicle with can be a pig to drive in small spaces.
  2. The good thing for the human race, they may not breed!
  3. One old guy said to me 'Son, if you've had a heavy night you can *** in the tank and it will run on it!'
  4. Welcome in, pictures are always eargerly purused.
  5. 3 tankers of red , white and mixed, are driving hard for the club house as we speack!
  6. Quite a number of ex military heavy vehicles ended up working on Channel Tunnel contracts. They were the only things that could reliably get into the sites.
  7. The vehicle you want is a WC51 Dodge! You'll never bother taking anything else off road!
  8. I get aboout 18 to the gallon with my WC51. I normally plan a route at 35 mph average. After all it your holiday, and you don't want to rush.
  9. Welcome! The Matador is iconic to those of an Airfix age. But be careful , it will be now I have the Matador it needs to tow something, then, well a Land Rover would be useful to move bits about..... it is a never ending slippery slope!l
  10. The main advantage of a Dodge! It is easier to park! One of the best experiences I've had was driving the Dodge through Belgium after midnight, along a dark quiet country road. So yes it is a good idea! Proper Planning Prevents P** Poor Performance. Europe has a good layout of camp sites. Good maps, give more detail than a sat nav, make sure you have all the 'oddity's such as Hi Vis and spare bulbs and breatheliser etc. that each country needs. One pice of advice, stay off the main Euroroutes, at your speed the normal roads are safer and more authentic. The LED rear lamps are a good idea, the brighter the better!
  11. OH Great and welcome. Someone who might have a clue how to fix the compouter cock ups we make
  12. Always the but. A dummy launcher used for traning gun dogs, and an ideal line thrower, is classed as non firarn because it is a spigot launcher. So if smoke dischargers are Pyrotechnics, where does this bit of section 5 come into it? 'Any weapon of whatever description designed or adapted for the discharge of any noxious liquid, gas or other thing' Chemical smoke is definitly noxious. Vets use blowpipes to anthetis animals. For this a Section 5 is required, as the dart discharged contains a 'Noxious liquid'. ACPO have a nasty habit of interapting things to suit themselves. They do not make legislation, that is Parliment's job, and the Courts interpret. ((That's why 'Reasonable' is the word that makes the lawyers a fortune! )
  13. Intresting! What do they say, ACPO are a pressure group, who I know from personal experience, change thier minds like I change my socks! http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1968/27/section/5
  14. Looks like a fun day, would love to get there one year.
  15. There was a BRIXMIS modified 4x4 Opel at the National Army Musuem at Chelsea for years. Now it has dissapeared, I'd love THAT as a toy! :cool2:
  16. As far as a firearms licence goes Section 5, described as 'Prohibited Weapons' though not completly- A section 1 firearms licence is issued by the Police, a Section 5 licence has to be issued by Secratary of State. De-ac as per spec. 2 inch mortars etc would be the same class.
  17. No! Part of the forum is asking questions. A Gallery Rifle is smallish cheap gun , normally shooting .22 Short Rimfire. They are known as Gallery Rifles in that they were used at fairground and funfair type shooting gallerys. There is still one proper UK shooting gallery using them, though most now use air guns. Hope this is clear.
  18. Welcome mate! Proves once bitten never cured!
  19. Trouble is, if the SLR is an old deac, they will insit on making up, ie welding solid, to new spec. Note: The law says the proof marks on the de-ac are the legal marks, not the certificate, always check the weapon when buying! (The gallery rifle in question was in such a state the safest thing was cut it up! )
  20. I'm suprised you got a word in to make an offer!
  21. So you didn't have the fun the East German troops and Stazi had then? Ramming cars with tank transporters etc? I'd be intrested to hear about methods you used to confuse SOXMIS, as opposed to thier methods.
  22. Best people to ask is the Proof Houses. The law can be quite sensible. For instance, a house being demolished turned up a gallery rifle inside a wall. The builder was most upset, as he wasn't a favourite of the local Police. So a person phoned his firearms dealear and explained the situation. The Dealer designated the person his agent, who then collected the weapon and took it to the dealer where it was recorded as 'Handed in by person unkown' and legally destroyed. It is often the poloticians who get frothy about 'Showing the public they are acting', the local forces would just rather have illegal or unlicensed weapon off the street!
  23. Actually SOXMIS did a lot more! It was activly used to run agents in West Germany. Brixmis never did, though the Soviet's never belived this.
  24. Yes, I know! :-D Turn right by the Esso, straight on to the Tesco, then left at BP....
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