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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Still wearing spurs . Though they are a very long swan neck, with what looks like a rowel. I'd say they for a driver rather than cavalary. Which make sense if they are Alley Slopper's Cavalary.
  2. Of course your a Brat! Would any sane person buy a Russian IFV and ship it to the US! :-D Wear the badge with pride!
  3. Welcome in Dick. Are you sure you want a peacful retirment?
  4. Acording to Met Office latest, we are due this heat for a few eeks! Right through season. So anyone suggestions as to how to nullify heat problems?
  5. Yes well, we all tried sanity once. None of us liked it! :-D
  6. No, but consider the Senior Members blood pressure! :-D
  7. I'd heard it was Bedfords. Apparentaly the machine tool used to shape crankshafts was worn, but spares were unavailable and the machine was unique so had to be kept running. As combat vehicles were supposed to have a life of about 600 hours, it was decided to live with it.
  8. Considering most buses are auto. It is usual practice to take the half shaft out before lift towing, and following gallons of oil everywhere, now putting a blnking plate on. I know an ex LT Matador recovery truck, has a brass plate in the cab saying 'Do Not Park on Manhole Covers'. :-D
  9. Another classic! And true, I remeber the headlines!
  10. OH!!! Dave Allen clips as well! See you all later!
  11. As summer and the start of W&P or should it now be W&P ® heralds what is know in Uk as the 'Silly Season'. Anyone care to confess the silliest thing they have ever got away with? Mine has to be a normal morning pushing a trailer load of horse muck with a Land Rover. It was easier to push the trailer to dump than reverse. I decided to light my pipe, with a match, as I'd run out of lighter fluid. So in the usual H&S approved manner, threw spent match out of window. Then there was a smell of burning. I checked temprature gauge, loked around for smoke coming from dashboard, and turned my head right to see flames coming up! I bailed out ! Leaving Landy to fate, fortunatley it was in a feild, and was stopped by the trailer hitting hedge. Then realised my body warmer was alight! (Fortuantley as this was winter I'd also a thick pullover). I got that off **** quick, and ended nothing more than very shacken nerves. Moral of the tale is. If you going to throw a match out the window. OPEN IT FIRST!
  12. Jasper Carott, the comidian used to collect weird reports from Insurance Companys. My favourite is much more pithy (Reputdly Australian) 'He was jumping about a bit, but I still hit him'.
  13. My suggestion Sell 'As seen' before winter! A story I'd love to belive is true is about a horse dealer who sold a horse. The day after it dropped dead. The customer phoned up in high dudgeon to recive the reply 'Well! It never did that when I had it'.
  14. Want a better one? An Examiner employed by a Catergory D training company was jailed for fraud a few years back. We all wondered how he could afford to run about in brand new BMW's. Answer was, he had been in collousion with another person. People had been offerd the chance to £3000 and garuntee they would pass thier test. Problem was he had also done my test about a year before. Very embarrasing ! Several of us were subject to discret observation, some were given the suggestion thier carrer might benifit from a change.
  15. Beautiful work. You may not really need the doors though.
  16. Welcome in. Happy Birthday congratulations of reaching the stage of life where it really becomes fun!
  17. Always assuming they bother with such things as a licence and insurance and MOT. An ANPR car suddenly appeared in the area a few weeks ago. I saw them stopping 4 to 6 cars a day over the next couple of weeks.
  18. Tesco's car park will never be the same! :shocked:
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