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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Just found out glowsticks are a mix of glucose and alcahol. Going to try some experiments. :cool2: IGOOOOR!
  2. Hi Mark. There is a Goldbeach musuem at Ver Sur Mer. Funnily enough Geoff Leese on the forum is a Trustee. http://goldbeach.org.uk/
  3. As I remember, each vehicle ran it's own track and was timed. One that does come to mind Stolly V Haflinger. Stolly cheated and went across the lake in the middle. Haflinger ended up sideways in a bush. I think it was the late great Raymond Baxter as commentator whos said 'Oh dear I hope the driver is all right' and then stuck the microphone into the Hafflinger. The driver was OK, first time I heard swearing on Telly! :shocked: Thing was at the time there was a British Motor industry, Mokes , Ants, Gipsy, Land Rover, Alvis. Funny how a lot of these vehicles and concepts ended up being manufactured abroad. All of which is of course well off topic. But intresting how many componets and engine series were shared.
  4. Worth doing it international recorded delivery.
  5. Yes, both were on test at the same time. A long time ago once a year on Grandstand in black and white on 405 line VHF tv. There was an afternon event the Army V the London Motor Club cross country trial. Every sort of vehicle from Stalwart to Mokes and Haflingers.
  6. OOH! Who's getting posh then? I just had a bunch of the common old Imps! Blew 'em up sand racing! There was a very intresting use of a Moke. A lady involved in Eventing, the horse variety, I forget her name now but she was parallised in a riding acident. She had a Moke converted to lift her chair in and out and hand controls so she could drive. Scared the life out of you as she hurtled across the feilds in it. As I recall the Moke at first production was one of if not the cheapest car on the market, around the £400 to £600 mark.
  7. Forte make a bio rad flush. I tried the stuff in a Nissan Bluebird that supposedley had been regularly srviced since new, yeah right! But that's another bit of the tale. The coolant came out of the bottom hose like black treacle! I kid you not! The Bio flush was poured in and left overnight then the engine started brought up to temp and flushed with a hose. Took two attempts but the result was fantastic. Completly clean, no nasty side effects on water pump or gaskets. http://www.forteuk.co.uk/
  8. Be careful if you are thinking of flying. The law prohibts the carriage of Fire arm componets- and it means anythingeven a plastic magazine stripper unless declared. Actually good day to ask. BA will having been flying shotguns by the dozen up to Scotland for the Glourious 12th. Please note --- Even if you talking about a Shotgun, the person in tempoary care must have a certificate in their own right. There is one legal way around it. If you can get a RFD to make you thier 'Agent' for a specific move. There was a great deal of controversy ober this some years back, now any transfer or sale of a shotgun or Firearm must be done face to face.
  9. Before going the whole hog and getting it recored. Have it prssure tested and cleaned.
  10. Used originally in Great War, still going I think. You used to be able to buy them by the trailer load for tempoary fencing in paddocks. They were used in the Second World War, a number of pictures of frtifications in Jersey and Gurnersey show fences on silent pickets. A lot of framers used them up to the late 1960's in the Island before that new fangles Electric fencing stuff. Mind you the wire was diffrent from commercial type. About 1/2 inch barbs set about 1/4 inch apart. Nasty stuff to handle even with thick rawhide mitts.
  11. Landy and Moke I can understand, but where does the Hillman Imp come into it? Many nasty meories of those things.
  12. Yes. If it an 'Estae' fine. Utility BANNED! Trouble is with a lot of older Landy's you have the 'Dual Purpose' ruloing from back in the '50's. So some are registerd utilty , some as domestic estate, it was down to variuos tax advantages at the time.
  13. Oh Dear! everything I write wil be harshly edit agin. But great to see you back! :-D
  14. What do the neighbours think? Or are you just accepted as the local nutter?:-D
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