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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Where I live on the edge of the zone it is stupidity plus. I have to make a bloody great detour on occasion because of two hundered yards of LEZ. A friend tried to get her lorry sorted out. The LEZ reply 'There is no such vehicle!' I was standing looking at the &^%$$* thing! No acording to the LEZ mini brain, it didn't exist. Fine off for a drive! :-D
  2. Yep! one 110 safari, come right in, a 110 hard top...Curse of the Devil.. unles you wanrt to pay us £200 for the privilige of entering our dirty, money grubbing...I'm off for a lie down.
  3. WHAT!!! You expect it to make sense! :wow: If LEZ says registration compliant go for it! The LEZ reply to any query 'Information supplied by DVLA', so put the two together and... WERE DOOOOOMED!
  4. Unless 'The intention is to make a person belive it is a firearm'. In which case.....
  5. Welcome David. You have just joined a world wide band of Nut cases, SORRY! I meant an enthusastic band of restores and collectors of all thing Military.
  6. Stick a bit of foam under the butt! That's what I did with mine in the 101. Apparently poor fit was standard in service.
  7. God! Yes, I'd forgotten about the twin engine craze! There was the 2CV version! As for age, I did drive the odd civvy Moke, great except in the rain, they did sometimes fill with water. A real 1960's cult car. The Prisoner, the Giraffe driven version, ah days of yoof!
  8. They may have them under Anti Shake washers. My local B&Q actually has them- but the PRICE! about £3 for half a dozen!
  9. Correct! And No. The last time I had anything to do with Moke's they were Aussie build used as hire cars in Jersey. Wern't the Austin Ant 4x4 and Triumph Pony about at the same time? I did have the Corgi Para Moke!
  10. Welcome. Your English is very good.
  11. I made a good barbeque out of some years back. Worked quite happily. They were about foot long by 6 inch wide 4 inch or so thick with a channel for the heat pipe to go through. Out of the old big brown radiator storage heaters.
  12. Welcome in. What's the intrest, almost everything is covered here one way or another.
  13. Unliscenced firearms can be handed in to a registered Firearms dealear, who may be wiling to help with De-Activation. Especially if the weapon is of 'Historic intrest'. Obsolete calibre exemption can be a bit tedious. I know where a mixed rifle/shotgun was declared obsolete on one calibre, but not the other. As that weapon was also of historic intrest and in the care of one of the country's leading gunsmiths, you see the problem. A WW1 German Rifle, to me means either a Mauser 1895 or 1898 , neither are considered obsolete calibre. Regardless, unless it Proof House marked deactivated and certified in writing in the view of the law it is live!
  14. Imagine the car chase vidios! :cool2:
  15. Lovley models. Must have been uncomfortable to drive in hot weather though.
  16. Caunter scheme is really eye catching. Would make the vehicle definitly stand out.
  17. Problem there Rosie is when they reply. 'Yes, Your'e banned!'
  18. There is a series on Youtube called World War one. In an episode of that is a black and white film clip of improvised armoured car and armoured bus wit the Royal Mariens.
  19. Put on a Hi Vis jacket on and look important. Works every time!
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