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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. I have a nice 12 volt torque wrench picked up off Amazon for about £20. Very useful bit of kit. http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=12%20volt%20torque%20wrench Some good d eals at the moment.
  2. Going down on Friday. Katy's first UK show, going all goose bumpy!
  3. When I bought the Airsoft Browning the Dealear was very thourgh. Rightly so, I spoke to him on the phone, e -mailed copies of my documentation, then spoke to him again. No problem Browning duly arived. Expect dealaers to be carful. Ten years is a looong time.
  4. Well I owned one, and I don't know! :blush:
  5. Intially improvised armoured car coloums with improvised armoured buses were used by the Roayal Marines at Antwerp. Though by the time enough purpose built vehicles were ready the Race to the Sea had ended and the lines becomes static. Most vehicles were employed in UK for Home Defence. Theses were under the Navy and RFC. Pressure was put on the squadrons to release man power to the Western Front, and some later formed the basis of the Royal Tank Corp. The machines themselves were of very little use in trench warfare.
  6. I suppose it not suprising tha the Armoured Cars are asscociated with the Middle East and tanks with the Western front. Whels on hard sand , tracks in mud.
  7. No mate! The last lot was the £10 note method, and a friendly garage! Tomorow should hopefully be a mate with a portable pnuematic ex German army portable bead breacker, and box of teabags.
  8. A chap I know has just had a very embarrasing incedent wit`h all this new papaerwork. He went back to Poland, bought a used car to bring back with him. Got it into UK went to get it re-registerd.... only to find Mr Plod knocking on the door to inform him the car had been nicked from UK six months before. :blush:
  9. Both mine run quite happily on rubber bands between tube and rim. They have a cord type stiff edge. Very easy to do, once the bead is brocken it takes about ten to fifteen minutes to get tyre changed checked inflated and back on vehicle. Just **&^%$$£ Heavy!.With a bit of luck I'll have one off tommorow so will photgraph it for you.
  10. Lots of vehicles, but wait till about 15 minutes in! The answer to all cooking and heating tent problems.
  11. Oh you litle know! Well done and comiserations. There were only about 2,600 of them ever built. First thing, go through the wiring!
  12. An added bonus to that. It helps insulate the battries in winter! What happens if acid leacks on it though? Worth checking just in case of a nasty unexpected reaction. You can buy speclalist battrey packing/insulation.
  13. Goran, you are handy with the spanners. Have you thought of possible modifications to somthing like a skip loading machine?
  14. And worth using on any wheel nuts a proper torque wrench! also worth adding a set of tell tales. on the wheel nuts. Eithe rpointer or palstic zig zags. If one is missing or moved it is very obvious.
  15. Very simple really. If it looks like a gun, treat it like a gun. Don't flash about in public, cover when your traveling' only display on showground. Bear in mind Mr Plod will treat anything sighted as real until well proven otherwise. After all he want's to go home at nights.
  16. You can buy commercial quality stuff quite easily now. I've repaired a number of Land Rover inner wings with plates glued on , proper adhesive I add and prepared as manufacturers instructions, the MOT inspectors have accepted it. After all buses are glued together now.
  17. A lot of stuff is glued now rather than welded. Use the right epoxy and it is just as effective.
  18. In 1976 (Yes I do go back that far:D) A number of privatley owned Green Goodess where used around the Dartford Heath area to assist in pumping water up to the Brigade fighting a huge fire.
  19. One of the beautys of the system in UK is if , for instantce clearing out Grandad's loft, you come across something that is illegal, and you'd be suprised how many Enfeild revolvers turn up, to hand them in. Either through a Registered firearms dealer, who will put it down 'Handed in by person unkown', or to a Police Station, but in that case better to phone for an appointment. The idea is get unlicensed stuff of the strreets before it goes onto the black market. Catch criminals not persecute the innocent. Most sensible dealears will help you get a find de-ac'ed should you wish..
  20. Nice truck! A little TLC and you'll have years of fun!
  21. Paint it? Yes, that is an offence under the VCR.
  22. You can pick up a used 7 seater quite cheap, once it breacks throw it away! There are plenty more out ther. Ex Military vehicles such as Dodges and even the J**p, they 'ain't making any more!
  23. I've got an Airsoft SA80, a couple of M1911 Colts and Browning Hi Power. In some cases they are cheaper than de-acs, sometimes more expensive. Yes VCR does rear it's thick head. I am a memeber of a Re-Enactment group with 3rd Party liability insurance, so once proof is provided to dealear they will sell them to me. The SA80 plastic pre VCR was about £30 , the Colts, single shot spring, post VCR about £30 the Browning which is a gas gun (Great fun to actually shoot) Was the expensive one at £80. From a realaistic point view they are very good.
  24. You know why womwn dressed in leather excite men? They smell like the inside of a new truck!
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