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Everything posted by MHillyard

  1. Awaiting a price up for parts, the first batch of parts shall be: Front forks Front wheel and spindle Rear wheel and sprocket Exhaust Silencer Handlebar lowering pole and clamp Tyres and inner tubes Tank pump Cables Need to undo the brazing on the front of the frame, luckily the bearing mount is still in place and has been worked around rather than removed. Found out that the forks on the rear for the wheel have been widened, will have to get a bit of weld put in and file it down. After that just need to prepare for painting and then paint
  2. Amazing thread, just spent the last hour or so reading through it, looks great!
  3. MHillyard


    i love the translations:D
  4. Found some references online http://www.austinchamp.com/03 Register/extras/photogallery/History.htm http://www.storyofmylife.com/User/user_story_view.aspx?storyId=6546&UserId=186602&ChapterId=11302 Martyn
  5. Thanks for your help. The packet was addressed to the military hospital in Colchester. Don't know if that makes a diference http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/290641455461?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649#ht_1467wt_824
  6. Guessing British Army by the cap of the man on the right, strange double wheel configuration on the rear also they are mostly all different tyres. Could it be in England as the clothes of the driver look like civilian ones. Could it be made out of aircraft parts?
  7. not really humour but... http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=KCVstXv45Js
  8. ^ I do like the above one:D
  9. just thought i'd add this, unissued with box £175!!! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/WW2-British-Army-CAMO-Leather-JERKIN-BOXED-Unused-1944-Original-/380390923809?pt=UK_Collectables_Militaria_LE&hash=item589110de21#ht_4371wt_1396
  10. there was a forum styled like this and there was a "thank" button beneath every post which you could click and your name would appear below as a thank. I think it was a great idea. Lust remembered it would also count the number of thanks you have received below your number of posts.
  11. RIP, only just finished watching the series a few weeks ago, great actor
  12. i believe there are very few restored welbikes left now
  13. found this online, not sure if was originally raf but.. http://www.blitzandpeaces.co.uk/album/2010/Smeatharpe%20Saturday%202010/main2.asp
  14. Had this for a while, anyone know any info on it e.g. Theatre and era
  15. Could it be anything to do with helmet markings? Found a few with these markings
  16. Seems as though there are several salvageable parts which is good because it would be a shame if the only way was scrap
  17. There is an old envelope i may be interested in buying and it is titled Army Form A.2153. Anyone know what it is?
  18. We always use Universal Jeep Supplies, they have almost everything. There is also jeeparts UK
  19. take a look at this, sort of a modern equivalent http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2017058/What-let-Russia-tricks-enemies-inflatable-army-tanks-planes.html
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