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Everything posted by MHillyard

  1. i think the average price for a wartime dated one is £50 I would say that the other probably wartime as i know a lot of post-war ones were made of a leatherette rather than just leather.
  2. I know Universal jeep parts had several different shades of paint, im sure if they don't have it they will tell you who will
  3. clutch done, magneto fitted. Tank also finished off Exhaust manifolds and collector box
  4. I think you may be right, the writing on the back is in pencil and quite faded, i think it may be '43 actually, thanks
  5. Yeah thats just a cheap one i picked up, i use it as my "work" jacket
  6. Just thought i'd add these, taken in germany after the war
  7. had this photo for a while, it is quite large and is a press photo, i looked back at it today and couldn't work out what vehicle it is. any ideas? Also can anyone conform where this is?
  8. Ah yes the military section; i wondered why i was being led to read a history of Michigan Theatre a lot of nice stuff there
  9. It looks like such a modern shape, i would never have guessed it to be wartime
  10. Anyone know what sort of prices things went for?
  11. Very nice! What year is it? Can't say i've ever really seen one
  12. That is a nice piece From a quad gun tractor?
  13. Clutch has been put back together, more difficult than it looks Also touched up the writing which i may keep on one of the tanks
  14. had another rummage and found these
  15. I can confirm that they are from a b-26 airfield
  16. Strange because it is located next to the aircraft, could it be a modification done at the base?
  17. This photo has puzzled me for a while now, got it with a lot of assorted ww2 photos. i'm guessing its some kind of manoeuvre and they are the "Bad Guys", one has an mp40 and the other i think has a sten. unfortunately the photo itself is slightly blurred.
  18. Just looked on google images at autocar tankers and they all look civilian, would this have been made for the army or have been a converted civvy?
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