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Everything posted by MHillyard

  1. Nice vehicle but i think it is too far gone to restore for what it will be worth. Very nice though
  2. looking at a photo i have it looks almost identical to a german field kitchen. Apart from the wheels. The originals were like cart wheels. It may be that the original wheels broke so they fixed it up with british ones
  3. Had this for a while, never seen another one. I believe it is a para helmet and is just the liner. Dated 1962. Anyone know any more info on it?
  4. Not sure how clear the photo is but it is called "Little Willie"
  5. Just found this pic of an inflatable bedford mw
  6. I have only ever seen 2 originals one was at the Colchester Show, the bomb disposal had one as a display (very very nice) The other is at Redoubt Fort in Harwich ( not sure if original or not really)
  7. I would expect that they re-used the rubber or just let them rot away in a warehouse
  8. seems quite detailed for a decoy, i have heard of these but i never knew they made them with so much detail
  9. Just wondering i havn't seen a PIAT for sale in a long time, what sort of money do they make now, probably a small fortune
  10. These are very nice trucks, look forward to seeing yours
  11. how about this, picture was described as a jeep and it looks like one. I knew some had armour but ive never seen the double Bazooka attachment
  12. Finally it comes back to life! After a lot of work the bike kicks back into life. A great thanks to Villiers Services who supplied me with all the parts i needed and assisted me with their great knowledge. I highly recommend them! Here is a video of some of the attempts to start and then the moment that it kicks back to life. Unfortunately the rear wheel was too far gone to be able to ride it so I will have to wait until i get the replacements before i can take it for a spin.
  13. Found this and found it interesting especially the fire tender jeep. http://www.m201.com/versions.htm
  14. It does flap a lot there, quite a good idea what do you think about this one...
  15. also this one http://ww2db.com/photo.php?list=search&sp=&startRow=0&keyword=&source=all&color=all&foreigntype=A&foreigntype_id=249&dt=
  16. found this pic of the inside of a horsa which is being restored at RAF Shawbury http://plane-crazy.purplecloud.net/Aircraft/Gliders/Horsa%20rebuild/LH291.htm
  17. just noticed the tyre on the back is not a jeep tyre. there also seems to be a bonnet catch next to the windscreen
  18. I wonder what they did to the frame to get that to fit
  19. What is the smock that the guy on the bottom left is wearing?
  20. Nice photo, the jeep seems to be done in airborne style: Cut bumper, tyre on bonnet, wing baskets etc very nice
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