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Everything posted by MHillyard

  1. This is the other one. I have spotted a mark inside the helmet, i can't quite make it out looks like 1015j? The liner is 1955 i think.
  2. here are some photos of one of them. I cannot see if there is a marking in the helmet as the is quite a lot of paint. Im not sure of the age of the liner on this one.
  3. I am considering selling one off two ww2 us helmets to fund for my bike. They are in need of a restoration and have post-war liners. One has MP and the white stripe going around it (although it has been painted over once) the other is just green and slightly miss-shaped. I was wondering, on average, what they are worth now in this sort of condition. Pictures available if necessary
  4. the email i received said that the site was accused of having inappropriate content or something like that
  5. have been doing a lot of cleaning. Engine and clutch has been taken apart, most bearings were ceased so they need replacing. Water has leaked into the clutch making a sludge of oil and corrosion. Had a lot of trouble getting the piston ring, they were completely ceased with carbon I have also bought several spares including: Piston rings Bearings Primary drive chain Spark plug Ht lead New coil new condenser clutch corks gaskets
  6. (not sure if this one has been said but..) On The Dirty Dozen as they are exiting the Château a ferret done in German colours with a turret like piece on top tries to stop them. On 633 squadron on the training missions where one accidentally crashes into the cliff the officers get into what seems like a land rover partly obscured by a bush. On the film Catch-22 an m38 jeep is used. On Battle of the Bulge several m38s are used aswel
  7. Could it be one of the "sniper smocks"?
  8. This is all i could find http://camopedia.org/index.php?title=Denison_smock
  9. im not sure of the exact date but i have one which is late ww2 and i have been told there was at least one batch before that
  10. i wouldn't say worthless as it is an interesting piece of kit, if i had an slr i would want one of these to go with it for the hell of it
  11. By but pouch do you meed a pouch that attaches to the but for ammunition or a pouch for the but to rest in like this: http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?q=l1a1+slr+but+puch&um=1&hl=en&biw=1600&bih=775&tbm=isch&tbnid=0h7HvLpJ7s5AJM:&imgrefurl=http://e-sarcoinc.com/l1a1.aspx&docid=oi1AxR_cIPfcwM&imgurl=http://e-sarcoinc.com/images/products/thumb/l1a1044.jpg&w=150&h=200&ei=VcKrTvDxFIrh8AOCrOihCw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=1171&vpy=386&dur=32&hovh=160&hovw=120&tx=73&ty=55&sig=115071577866785413998&page=3&tbnh=156&tbnw=110&start=53&ndsp=36&ved=1t:429,r:8,s:53
  12. Just found this, i am not going to spend the money but i think that the one with the jeep is a great photo and i though i would share http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/WWII-PHOTO-LOT-NORMANDY-CHAPEL-SERVICES-FRANCE-MASS-/250887131376?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3a6a09d0f0#ht_511wt_1396
  13. Just found remains of the original paint. It is the brown type
  14. Have taken the engine apart to clean. Next to sort out the clutch problem
  15. On the back of some it has 1951, but on the one with the land rover and the jeep next to each other it is 1952
  16. Picked these up earlier this year. Dont know if you are interested. Also any info on the pics would be appreciated
  17. I believe the tap is complete it just needs a new cork but i think i can get 3 for £5 on Ebay. As i found the pump on tilly's is very similar, the only difference i can see is the location of the thread on the base and the shape of handle.
  18. id never heard of these vehicles but im beginning to love them
  19. It looks slightly diferent to those vehicles but i am not expert, there seem to be small deferences. This person had several other photos, the other nice one is of them in front of a horsa glider
  20. Found this photo, it came with several others, but i found it rather interesting. Any ideas would be appreciated. I have no ideas why no turrets are on these so if anyone know i would be interested to hear from you.
  21. A coat of green has been put on the frame and other parts just so i can see the extent of what i have. I found that half the original tank pump was still in the tank, this has lost the pump and the valve has been damaged. I dug up an old paraffin lamp and used parts from that to make a temporary pump. The only thing that is not right is the shaped of the pump grip. I also removed the tank valve and gave it a clean up.
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