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Everything posted by MHillyard

  1. I was given this free at a show several years ago, i was told it was a pistol grip for a Sten Mk 5, it does look like one by looking at pictures but can anyone confirm. Might sell
  2. Had these 2 for a while, not sure what they are from and how much is missing from them so any help would be appreciated. Might sell Martyn
  3. Might just be my eyes but i cant see the U and it looks like something after the S
  4. Not sure about the star but above the hood number it looks like SAS They seem pretty stuck in that mud or trench or whatever it is!
  5. I love hearing things like this, would love to visit some of these site and rummage around. but there is not a lot in my area of Essex/Suffolk
  6. Im no expert so the one i saw may have been rubbish, but there was one with a trailer on abey about a month ago, not sure if it sold or not but the asking price was £6000
  7. The last smock is nice, can't say i have ever seen one before.
  8. Good luck with the project, it's a big one but it will definitely be worth it! Martyn
  9. is this the gun tractor type or the "truck" type? I'm not really much of an expert but i have quite a few photos of the gun tractors Martyn
  10. It's strange that they havnt put a stop to this, i have been doing it for several years and nothing has been done to prevent it.
  11. I have looked around and haven't seen this put on before so correct me if I am wrong. To me this is the most essential part of an Ebay listing if you want to get the best prices for things that you are selling. It is always re-assuring to see lots of pictures of the item you are buying and it makes you more confident to put in the extra bid, but you may think that even though one picture is free on Ebay, you will have to pay an extra price for more pictures. There is a way to get unlimited free pictures on the description of your listing, also Ebay allows you to do this, it is not against their rules. First of all go on Ebay and click sell. Next you will be confronted with a page asking for "key words" and weather you want a "Quick Sell" or "Advanced Sell". Click "Advanced" otherwise it will not work. Next follow Ebays instructions with the title etc. Then use the free picture space given. Now go on to www.photobucket.com or a similar site and upload your photos. Next go to the description box on your ebay page set-up and write your description Now go back to photobucket and choose your first photo, hover your mouse over it and you should get a selection of boxes appear above or beneath it, click on HTML code, it should automatically copy when you click on it. Now go back to the ebay page set-up for the description, at the top of the description box there are two options "Standard" or "HTML" ( You should be on standard). Click on HTML, a load of arrows and symbols will appear where your description once was, do not panic and just leave it as it is. Click at the end of all the letters and symbols and press enter so you go down a line. Now paste the HTML code from the Photobucket page. Now you photo is on there! If you click to go back to standard you should see your photo on the page. If the writing appears next to the photo just click between them and click enter. If you want more photos repeat what you have already done; copy the next photo's HTML code, paste it on the HTML page beneath the other code and it should be on there. All this helps to get the best results from your Ebay listings. Any questions just ask Martyn
  12. I have a pdf copy of how to convert a jeep from 6v to 12v, if that could be of any use i could email it to you
  13. try Jeeparts Uk and/or Universal jeep parts, they stock lots of paint and can also guide you to what you want, be sure to state the date of your GPW as i believe it changed slightly over time
  14. This is all very interesting and makes sense but why the british uniform with the swastika
  15. It seems most unlikely to be real to me but.... on the film "The Wild Geese" the African troops chasing Richard Burton etc all where what seem to be denison smocks and also denison hats. Is this something they just done for the film or did they actually exist?
  16. Very nice, did it come with any history of it's service?
  17. I thought we got rid of them all, does the Navy still have a few? Might just be me or the photo but it doesn't seem to have any numbers on the tail, possibly one sold off?
  18. Just found this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UIdgeY4fGLE&feature=related
  19. As you can see on that ebay ad they are quite rare and collectable, not quite sure why they bothered to camouflage them but they go for around £100
  20. Thats not too bad actually as it may fit on of my British signaling sets which is missing a tripod. Thanks for the info, lucky i paid next to nothing for it!
  21. not sure if this is any better http://www.scribd.com/doc/29617825/T-34-Tank-Field-Repair-Manual
  22. found this, have checked the t34 download and it works fine, not sure about the one for the Panther or the Tiger http://graviteam.com/forum/index.php?topic=5224.0 Martyn Just to add, i have checked all the downloads and they work fine
  23. Picked this up at W&P a couple of years ago with a load of other relics quite cheaply. Apparently it is either German or Russian. Any ideas what is from or for?
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