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Everything posted by Markheliops

  1. Hi Clive. Many congratulations to you both. Markheliops
  2. Hi Graham. Nice to see you have eventually found the site - Graham helped me out last year when I was towing the spare Ward la France and got slightly bogged down - courtesy of some numpty in a low loader. Thanks mate. Oh and the Brockhouse trailer is coming along nicely. I shall be chatting to you and you gorgeous other half - hi Tina - for some interior design ideas. See you at the shows next year. Markheliops
  3. Happy Birthday Neil. Hope it was a good-un. Markheliops
  4. Hi Phil. Glad to see you playing but you are supposed to put the water onto the fire - not yourself. Ta for the brekkie - nearly had to rent out Grasshopper to pay for it!!! The GG is fully kitted out as previously stated and I haven't seen a more complete and well maintained example for a long time. If there are any left at Withams, they won't have any kit and they will be the rough lot that weren't taken. Good buy Phil! As I am on here, I must say sorry to Grasshopper for the appalling taste of music in Phil’s car on the way home. "STEPS GOLD." EEK. Phil you have a great taste in motors but sort your music out. And don't blame the missus either. Markheliops
  5. Hi mate. That article was in the IMPS magazine, Vol 26 issue 3. Written by James Baxter, President of the IMPS. If you can't find it, drop him a mail. Contact details on the IMPS web site. Markheliops
  6. Not sure about the 969A John but with the Ward La France it was much easier to remove the rear bogie assembly. Trust me - we done it twice!!! Markheliops
  7. Sorry - my fault chaps - thought the show title was "Salute the Forties" It actually reads "Salute the FORCES." Should get my eyes tested.
  8. Hi Andy - ref the show. Are you sticking with a 40's event or can you open it to all MV's. Just thinking turnout may well be up if the show is open to all MVs. You can always have a 40's area and a post war area. I'm not fussed either way as I have both post war and WWII vehicles but may effect some others. Just a thought. Markheliops
  9. To be honest, as we are "blasting down the road" as you put it - I have far more important things to be thinking about. As an officer I no longer drive but still hold the qualification. After a few shouts the novelty soon wears off. Believe me Tony, driving to a shout on bells and lights is sometimes far more hazardous than dealing with the incident itself.
  10. Nick is right on this one. The important word is unladen I think you will find chaps any trailer over 750 (ie Landrover trailer) becomes a Cat E as soon as you stick a load on it. Sticky subject this- I think I am correct in saying any LGV vehicle pulling a trailer weighting more than 750 and carrying a load requires a Cat E on your licence. If in doubt - don't do it. As usual it will be fine until something happens and you find out the Police want to talk to you and your insurance company turns the other way. Markheliops
  11. Must say I am a fully trained fire appliance driver (EFAD) (Emergency Fire Appliance Driver) so if anyone is qualified. La la la la
  12. Hi all. I drove the Green Goddess back from Falmouth and was quite relieved with the progress of the thing. I wasn't surprised as my RL used to pull 60mph but the owner said 45mph was its max, so with a heavy heart we set off. Actually Phil was surprised as I continually caught up with him - except for any hills but no surprise there. If you manage a run up it's not actually too bad. Obviously I only kept my foot on the floor on the motorway where I could be sure there wouldn't be any nasty surprises but 60mph was the normal and 50-55 mph was a pleasant ride quality. I must say I think Phil has a real bargain for the pitiful amount of money spent. The thing is completely kitted out and the maintenance of the vehicle and equipment has been first class. Markheliops
  13. Hi Andy I would be up for it depending on work rota - If I'm not at work - I'll be there mate. Markheliops
  14. Where were you Andy - kept me eyes peeled all weekend and never saw you once!!!
  15. Hi all. Add my bit about the 40's event. Didn't take my camera so no pictures but thanks to the guys who did - some very good pictures taken - shows the spirit of the event. HMVF members present were Cat and Pat weazle, Lord Burley and small child, Phil (Metroman), Nick Johns, myself, Ian Bridges and Paul (Cripp). Aplogies if I have missed anyone. Well done for looking smart CW. I only knew it was the man himself when he opened his mouth - otherwise I thought who is this smart Navy chap. Those who know me know I don't normally do the re-enactment thing but I must say - this event ranks as one of the best I have been to. I still went to show my truck to the public and nothing has changed there. The thing with this event was the public could become involved in the event itself and this actually made the show. Everyone I have spoken to remarked what a great event it was. Also found the event very chilled out and relaxed. Of course the glorious weather played a role in the events success. I will definately be doing this show next year and I would advise anyone who hasn't attended to come along too. Had a great time. And the Ward behaved effortlessly all through the weekend. Only thing I would say is I was a bit disappointed with the main military vehicle display. I thought more could have been done in relation to an actual display instead of the vehicles all being parked in a line and then left. Some if not all of the blame must go to the vehicle owners. A bit more enthusiasm from people to display their vehicles would have helped the matter. I am afraid the public need something a bit more interesting than forty odd vehicles being parked in a straight line. This is why I always try to display my Ward with all the jacks and crane deployed and then hang around to answer questions and show people around the vehicle. Makes my day more interesting and probably jo public's. Anyways, I moved from my location on the Sunday morning to somewhere a bit more lively - wish I had done it on the Saturday as I had a much more fun day on Sunday. Really felt part of the event. Markheliops
  16. I think he is reffering to these - And yes - I had a wonderful night thankie. Markheliops
  17. Hi Jack - Still waiting for 2 flags - no rush mate - I'm only 39 years old. lol. Markheliops
  18. I'll be there with the Ward - See ya there. Markheliops
  19. Well done to young grasshopper - lovely vixen he has snared - nice pics BUT I want to see a picture of TTM in a suit. Markheliops
  20. Thats not fair - I've been really good lately - probably cos I have spent most of my time under the ***** truck with spanners rather than doing anything - er - more fun. Markheliops
  21. Hi Norman - Haven't seen this thread before so welcome to the ever increasing WLF owners club - Are they the Wards young Jack was looking at - if so I studied the pictures in detail and I must say from what I could see - the bits restored have been done to a tidy standard. I shall follow this restoration with interest and good luck in your efforts. Markheliops
  22. Wrong mount for a start - the mount on an original siren is integral with the siren assembly. Not a B&Q special!!!
  23. I believe young grasshopper will be looking after Tootallmike's food requirements Rosie.
  24. Are you being serious - or having a laugh Bodger Baz. If that is a genuine siren light - I'll give you my Ward La France for free. Oh and as Mike stated - not even on the right side. Keep taking the pills Baz. LOL Markheliops
  25. Yes - the video is very flashy. I'd rather see and hear the thing run rather than the music. Oh and it's not an Audi Munga - no such thing exists - it's a DKW or Auto Union or a F something or other Munga - as I understand it - Munga was the name for the civillian version - the military version was called something else. Sure the Munga buffs will set the record straight. Anyway - looks a nice vehicle but these things must be running right - ask Kyle. Markheliops
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