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Everything posted by Markheliops

  1. Can't use the 432 Mark - the track pads are shot - waiting on a new set now.
  2. Beg to differ young Grasshopper - The quick release valve is situated just behind the front winch on the chassis crossmember - Check your manual young man - thats a beer you owe me. Markheliops
  3. Hold - stop the press - The Wards __**_*_ broken again - holy mother of ---jam. Went to organise bits and pieces today and when I moved the Ward I applied the brakes and she dumped air from somewhere at the front. Wonder if the quick release valve diaphram is holed? Well thats Lingfield messed up then - won't be there after all - sorry Mark. Fed up with this -
  4. Hi Grumpygit - I wouldn't rule out an FV432 - free fuel, low maintanence, easy to drive, pretty bomb proof, road legal. Cheaper to purchase too. Downside - Weight 15 tons - so if you are going any distance - it's a low loader. Then again - I completed 150 miles for one show. Markheliops
  5. Hey Mark - ya wanna convoy from the farm. Handy to have a wrecker following you - unless of course I break down. lol (now where is that wood) Markheliops
  6. Hi all. Im off to Lingfield show on the 2nd and 3rd August with the Ward La France. Anyone else going? Markheliops
  7. Crikey - you lot have memories like elephants!!! Markheliops
  8. As far as I am aware, there is no problem towing a 10 ton trailer with a NATO tow hitch - I presume you are referring to a Bedford type size rather than a Landie tow hitch? In the services, TM's and most of the green fleet were fitted with NATO tow hitch. All manor of trailers were towed using NATO tow hook including 10 ton tilt trailers and 20 ton plant trailers. Markheliops
  9. On our way around the stalls, me and Lee saw Enigma's bike chained to the sellers tables as he left it there whilst he was doing something. Didn't stop us trying to buy it but the seller wouldn't let it go. Markheliops
  10. Hi Joris - yes - if you would be so kind - only I don't want people to get the wrong impression mate - you understand!!! Oh and Jack - I got the Fireman thing a long time ago but decided not to raise the issue - after all - who am I to squash peoples dreams. LOL. Dave - where are the pics of the other turret totty? and where are my "private pics". Ta Markheliops
  11. I have a big truck match by an equally big grin. I thank you. Markheliops PS - I have some pictures of the Saturday night - if anyone is interested!!!!
  12. Nearly forgot - 2 man artic tent as used by the Royal Marines - £50 -(will sell eventually) New Bedford NATO tow hitch - £20 New water jerry can - £8 10m x 3 m tent from Lee / Ian and group - £210 Markheliops
  13. Thought I had a great buy - brand new tow rope for the 432 complete with shackles for £30 - then Lee told me he gave one away on the forum for free a couple of months ago. Wooden GPMG, canvas cover, spent case catcher, 7.62 link inert rounds, new GPMG mount for the 432, ammo box for the mount and two x 4 ammo cases for £300. Thanks Dave. Markheliops
  14. Agree with all the coments - I missed the ceremony despite Lee telling me to be at the arena as I was sorting out my Mum - Well done Jack the Mods and all HMVF members - Markheliops
  15. You dont expect TTM to be under the truck do you - not feasable.
  16. Top pictures everyone - I took my camera but didn't take a single picture - too busy. If anyone has pics of me and the Ward can you throw them my way - Many thanks. Markheliops
  17. Okay - I just know this is asking for trouble - But I seem to have aqquired a new forum name - Any of you IT boffins know anything or should I be asking a certain mod. (I feel like I am standing in front of a firing squad). MARKHELIOPS
  18. Hi Tony. WLF in Africa during WWII - with our boys if Im not mistaken. Markheliops PS - Tony - great pictures - any chance of firing them over to me. Thanks mate.
  19. Never mind holding a bl--dy shovel - he needs to be holding a spanner. Sorry for Mike but no worries - we at WLF Towers will have the thing sorted and back to gether come War and Peace. I have a transfer box on the spare Ward so myself and the tall one + the short one will be getting down to it - again. I know how Mike feels - obviously - but he is always upbeat about these things so no problems. Should have it sorted by Sunday evening and the tall ones truck will line up at WLF Towers with the other two Wards. See you at War and Peace. Markheliops
  20. Hi Simon. As above thread - http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?t=8353 http://www.milweb.net/classifieds.php?type=4 Daf for sale again - think it's Howards old one. Markheliops
  21. Hi Simon - I put a thread on here - looks like Howards old DAF is back up for sale. Will try and find it for you. Pretty much an M54 with different cab. Markheliops
  22. Markheliops

    Huey 509

    With a "few" hours rotary flying experience - I always get a chill down my back when I hear a turbine firing up - Love the sound of a huey - unmistakable noise. Lovely machine - oh if I had the money - Markheliops
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