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Everything posted by Markheliops

  1. He will be very deaf Adrian - but also sporting a rather large grin.
  2. Gamma Goats are the doggies danglies - For a fully restored one - plan to pay around the £15000 mark. The nice looking one is nearly completed apart from a few minor bits and pieces. It shall be making an appearence at War and Peace this year. Being driven from Frankfurt to Beltring. Does about 50 mph and the fuel consumption is rather very good. Markheliops
  3. I was told the boat was used by the Dutch Army for moving sections of a floating bridging unit. If anyone is interested, any of the vehicles can be brought to War and Peace. Although they look in a state of dis-repair, they are technically good and all runners. The majority of items were purchased from the US Army. They can be fully prepared and sprayed. My knowledge of the chap is he is a dealer but very honest. (Not saying others aren't by the way). Be aware that Reo's command good prices in Europe. The chap had just sold a real rust bucket for 3500 euros. The chap who brought it was informed of the condition and was pretty much on the ball when it came to checking over the vehicle. He said he wanted a basket case for a nut and bolt restoration. Any interested parties can PM me for details.
  4. More Everything has a price - except for the Willis, Mule, new-ish Gamma Goat and the Scout Car. They have been taken off the for sale list for someone!!! Markheliops
  5. Hi all. If you go down to the woods today - You'll be in for a big surprise!!! Out and about over the weekend - in Germany.
  6. Well done Sean. Very entertaining thread - had me in stitches. Keep it coming. Markheliops
  7. What you have said makes sense Bodge - Recovery guys normally begged, borrowed and stole to kit out their wreckers, etc. The Ward is fitted with M1 Carbine holders but I don't fancy laying out for a de-act. I looked for a wooden one as it's only for show but then the VCR came in and balls everything up. Cheaper option would be an M36 pistol belt, etc.
  8. Thanks for the info Bodge - agree with the sunglasses (someone had to say something) LOL. What about the webbing issues? Ta
  9. Hi all. Looking for some information on American webbing. Now the Ward La France M1A1 is pretty much finished, I have been thinking about kitting it out so to speak. I want to add a few bits and bobs to hang from the cab etc. I have been looking at various bits of webbing and I have come to the conclusion American webbing comes in two shades - Green and Tan. Can someone please explain what the different shades are for and when they were mostly used. i.e - My Ward is dated 1943/44 so what shade of webbing would be mostly associated with this period. Is it a case of mix and match or is it a case of different theatres or time period. I am also thinking about a couple of re-enactor events and would like to be wearing the correct items of uniform. I haven't really become involved in the re-enactor scene so I am asking for more advice with correct issue of uniform etc. My vehicle is sign written as belonging to “A” Company 133rd Armoured Ordnance Battalion attached to the 11th Armoured Division. As it's operator, my current period dress is made up of: M41 Jacket (11th Armoured Div patch) M43 Trousers Wolly Pully Green Tee shirt M43 Buckle Boots. Jeep Cap. Now I'm not too worried about time periods, etc. I know an M43 Jacket should go with M43 Trousers but I would imagine servicemen generally wore what they felt more comfortable in, very much as we did when we were in the mob. I am been informed GI's prefered the M41 jacket to the M43? I'm wanting to ensure the uniform displays the correct unit markings etc. Enigma - what helmet markings should be used in your opinion - if it should display any markings. Many thanks for any advice. Markheliops
  10. Hi Andy.


    Hope you are well.


    Found this e-mail hiding in my HMFV account -


    "Hello Mark if you would like the pics I think I will need your Email address as I can not attach them to HMVF Emails ! I think ! Andy"


    Not sure what it was about but must have asked for some pics from a show last year.


    Here is my own e-mail account.





  11. No worries Mark. I shall send you a new pair of trousers as it seems you have lost yours!!! LOL. Wish your wife well in her fund raising activities. Markheliops
  12. Happy Birthday Clive. Markheliops
  13. The only possible problem could be if your flag hindered other road users. i.e If you passed a cyclist and your flag smacked him in the face or got trapped in his wheels. Or if your flag obstructed your vision to some degree to effect your driving. A normal sized flag would cause no problems what so ever. Common sense should be used. Markheliops
  14. Good points raised by all. I suppose whatever floats your particular boat will decide how much of your hard earnt cash you wish to part with.
  15. Agree with what you say Antarmike so then why is my Ward La France not in the same value range. See the point I am making is the Antar is really expensive and high value (I think it is) so why is my Ward La France not worth as much. It's a big truck, does more than an Antar, is kitted out with most of the equipment and is a historic Second World War vehicle. Probably looking for an answer that does not exist.
  16. I would question your point on the "presence" of a tank John. A 432 coming down the road is an impressive sight and the noise of the Rolls Royce engine is un-mistakeable. CVRT - doesn't make much noise at all and is small in size when compared to an FV 432. Some CVRT have cannon fitted but then take a look at the Abbott. I'm not slagging off CVRT's as they are an impressive vehicle to us in the know. To the public - I would say the 432 has more of a presence of being a tank. If most members of the public were asked what defines a tank, I suspect they would say: It's armoured, slow, big and noisy. Pretty much how I would describe a 432, 434 and an Abbott Markheliops
  17. Good points John and well presented.
  18. I understand about money spent, etc but take for example CVRT and 432 prices. Why is a CVRT so much more in value than a FV432? Some CVRT's sold are straight from the auctions, nothing done to them and are for sale around the £15000. Now look at a FV432, restored, painted, fully kitted out, etc. Max price is around the £8500 range. So exactly why is the CVRT worth so much more than the FV432? Are they more sought after? Are they easier to look after? Are they more desireable to own? Vehicles are roughly the same size, both tracked, and both armoured. To be honest I would have thought the 432 was worth more as they are multi fuel, tax free (depending on age), less lightly to develope faults and easier to drive. What am I missing here? Markheliops
  19. Mostly whirly-birds. Bell Jetranger Chinnock Augusta 109 Scout Lynx Hughes 500 Flown many times in a Herc - landed at Sennalager training area in the dark where the pilot nearly got it very wrong. Frightened the pants off me. I was the only one on board as the squadron lads had parachuted out as part of an exercise. Flown RAF Tri-Star - very civilised. Markheliops
  20. Looking at Milweb today and have spotted an Antar = Price £18000. Got me thinking about prices for MV's. Am I right in thinking that's too much for a vehicle or am I living in the past? Take my Ward La France M1A1. Pretty much original condition, runs OK now, nearly fully kitted out. Now if I were to sell the vehicle I would put it up for sale at around the £8500 mark - or am I vastly under estimating the value of my vehicle. Is a CVRT really worth £25000 when my FV432 will sell for around £7500? Is a Jeep really worth £17000. You see GMC's around the £4000-£5000 range which I think is a lot of truck for not a lot of money. Ferrets, Champs, Bedford’s, Stalwarts all selling for reasonable prices. I know it is said if someone wants a vehicle, they will pay the going rate but I am concerned such high prices for vehicles will eventually do damage to the hobby we all belong - or am I mistaken. Surely at these prices only the privileged few will be able to afford vehicles so eventually, these vehicles will end up unsold and possibly being left to decay. Result - vehicles disappearing from the MV scene. Your thoughts please chaps - Markheliops
  21. Very funny Mark - Not too far from the truth either -
  22. Master switch is a good idea Mark. As I recall, the connection is down to if the vehicle is a negative or positive earth. It really doesn't matter which way round it is as long as the battery current is isolated but the majority of people fit them on the live side. Doesn't matter where they are fitted but take into acount the length of the cables. The longer the battery cables, the more resistance is created. Markheliops
  23. Hi Piet. As I recall this was used to hide the shape of the vehicle - ie wheels, etc. Mostly coloured a dull grey and meant to be used for urban areas as opposed to woodland camouflage - green and black. Can't remember if it helped reduce heat being ommited from the vehicle to lessen detection from IR cameras - but it couldn't have hurt. Also reduced glare from the shiny bits. Sure someone will come up with a more technical explaination. Markheliops
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