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Everything posted by Markheliops

  1. Hi all. Been thinking about what type of coolent I should put in the FV432 and it has got me thinking about a wider issue. Not sure if it's feasable - but how about a technical section on the forum. I have probably made three or more requests about what type of lubricants I should be using for a certain vehicle. For instance - I have: Ward La France FV432 Austin Champ Bockhouse Office Trailer Ben Hur Trailer Now I know what I should be using in the Ward engine, gearbox and axles. Same with the FV432 but not too sure about the coolent specs for either. I have seen countless requests on the forum for lubricant and technical info of various vehicles. Now there are a number of brain boxes on this forum as well as fellow owners. I'm not interested in the military names of the lubricants as I can't nip down to Halfords and ask for some OMD80. I can however ask for some SAE30 and get some joy. So, computer buffs - is this feasible on the forum? It would be excellent to look up a certain type of vehicle and see a lubricants board / or technical info board showing civillian lubricant types and quantities. The same sort of information you get at the start of owner handbooks etc. Just a thought - mean while, can someone advise me on the type of coolent I should use for a Mk2 FV432 (is the K60 an aluminium engine, etc) Many thanks Markheliops
  2. I got my new electronic ignition from Frank Jolly - only to discover I had given him the wrong information on the polarity for the Ward La France. Very p---ed off. Joke on me then - but I didn't find it funny. Mark - numpty - heliops.
  3. I'll be keen to know of anyone who offers large vehicle breakdown recovery. Stop laughing at the back. My Ward La France has required recovery, er a few times. Was with roadsure but their insurance rates were very high and they wouldn't let me add another vehicle to my policy - so told them what to do with it. The breakdown cover was very good - but no insurance, no breakdown cover. The Ward weighs in at 14 tonnes and the FV432 15 tonnes and is tracked. If anyone gets any joy can they let me know. Ta Markheliops
  4. Not 100% sure on this one - I think the question will revolve around when your sons licence was issued and when he passed his test. I would suggest a phone call to DVLA. Markheliops
  5. Good point Paul - I have taken on board some suggestions but can not face the thought of dragging my birthday presents from the other half round the farm yard - There is no way she would see the funny side of it!!! Could always get Vince to use the stuff - he's always knee high in the s--t. Markheliops
  6. Happy birthda R-cubed - Soz it's late as been away. Markheliops
  7. Agree with the above - well done David.
  8. Hi all - Have purchased a number of reproduction items from a well known source. Items are tan in colour. They are as follows: Despatch Case Colt 45 pistol web set M1936 Musette Pack M1942 water bottle set Large Ammo Bag M1928 Haversack Service Gas Mask Bag. I would like to "weather" their appearance so they don't look all new and shiny - Can anyone suggest a proven method of achieving the desired effect. I was thinking of just leaving them in the garden and letting the weather get to them - a bit!!! Many thanks Markheliops
  9. Hi Julian - Wouldn't worry about your standard of English - we are all sitting in the same hole - so to speak!! Maybe you can post some pictures of your creations. Markheliops
  10. During my time with 21 - I saw GPMG, M16, 9MM browning, SA80 and some sniper thing. Oh and a MIMI (think that's what it is called). Never saw anything else. Weaponry was never my interest though - I was only ever concerned about their green fleet. The state of that was bad enough. Markheliops
  11. Once I get the distributor back from Jolley Engineering - I shall be giving the Ward a spin to see how it has improved - first time it has been driven since Meyhem 08. What show are you going to Vince? Markheliops
  12. Hi Keith - I would have been willing but the Ward La France is a bit juicy on the fuel front. Come on all you Jeep / Dodge owners!!! Whats a matter with you - free sanies and coffee. Markheliops
  13. Gone but definately not forgotten. Markheliops
  14. Hi Chaps. Many, many thanks for the Birthday wishes - Jack, I will see you later! Been AWOL this weekend with the lovely Miss Heliops (current top turret totty)-(hope she doesn't read this). Had a great day on Saturday - loads of presents and to top it all off - my HMVF flags arrived. I think Jack was holding them over for my Birthday present - but I do recall actually paying for them myself!!!! I did get the things I asked for which were mostly reproduction American items to kit my Ward out. Feeling rather chuffed at the moment. Have ordered electronic ignition for the Ward from Frank Jolley, complete with new super powerful coil, new rotor arm, new cap and new set of high spec HT leads. I'm looking forward to fitting these and seeing what difference they make. If they make as much difference to the Ward as they made to my bank balance - I'll be well chuffed. Picked up Rambo's fathers Champ today so something else to tinker with. The current top turret totty is re-designing and decorating the Brockhouse trailer and if I say so myself - she is making a rather good job of it. All in all - life is moving along quite nicely. AND I haven't reached 40 yet. (stop sniggering at the back) Once again, many thanks for the Birthday wishes. Markheliops
  15. the practice of sticking £100 worth of fuel in every other time it went out Ah Neil - welcome to my world - the World of Ward La France.
  16. You read it here folks - Jack - if my flags fail to arrive, I shall need something to hang from my truck and what better to replace an HMVF flag than - The HMVF owner and creator. LOL It can be done Be warned.
  17. By your left foot - but don't hit the fuel cut off pedal by mistake. Markheliops
  18. Silence young Jack will only serve to stiffen my resolve. lol
  19. Here is a picture of my WWII wooden bodied Ben Hur. Very useful bit of kit. May be passing it on later in the year depending on how the Ward behaves. Markheliops
  20. Happy Birthday Norman - no party for you - you've too much work on. Markheliops
  21. Ah ha - Norman - you have given me an idea. Although this picture clearly shows markings on the plates - it doesn't mean a thing. I could show you just as many pictures where there are no markings. However, as Norman pointed out - the Ward does have an unusual bumper. It was called the "tree-buster." Obviously designed to push down trees etc. Now common sense would dictate the metal plates were designed and placed to stop branches etc from slipping up over the bumper and under the wings and as Norman said - to stop damage from occurring to the wings and fragile engine components. How's that for a common sense guess. Markheliops
  22. I have no idea Serge. They are original and most of the Wards, including mine have them fitted. I would hazard a guess they would carry some sort of ID markings. Anyone else want to have a stab. Markheliops
  23. Happy Birthday Chris - yet another one!!!!!!
  24. Not for spelling then!!! Love ya snapper.!!!!!
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