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Everything posted by Markheliops

  1. A number of our fire stations were broken into for the cutting gear stored on appliances. They make rather good breaking-in tools. Markheliops
  2. You learn something everyday. Thanks Chris - the wksp plate says Mk2/1 as you can see but I have just checked the MOD form 654 and it does list the 432 as a Mk2. Bugger - have to change the information boards now.
  3. One word Jack - flags!!!!!!!!
  4. Interesting Chris. I always thought mine was a Mk2/1. It definately states that on the Wksp plate attached to the left of the drivers position. Can you clarify what mine is by the pictures. Ta Markheliops
  5. I would love to take the credit for the fix but Nick Johns can have this one.
  6. Nice one Lee. Could have left the engine exchange for a War and Peace project. I have the lifting kit - and big spanners. Markheliops
  7. Another happy customer. Must try that on the Ward but I think everything is lined up ok. Well done Nick.
  8. No worries Piet. Looks like I have found a job then!!! In true HMVF I shall organise convoys nearer the time when I know how many vehicles are involved. Jack / Joris - how is the 2009 War and Peace board coming on. Markheliops
  9. Hi Richard - The use of EP90 in the gear / t-box is not technically correct but it is what I use. I have no doubt others on the forum will warn you of the dangers of using EP oil in a historic vehicle. I can not tell you either way as I have no knowledge of Dodge, only Ward La France. I suspect your manual should say use straight 90 oil. Markheliops
  10. Hi Richard. Not sure about your Dodge but the t-box in my Ward has always sounded like it is going to explode since I have owned it. It has worried me every time I use it but to this date (famous last words) it hasn't let me down. As for the lubricant - I use EP90 as well. The Ward transfer box states the lubricant should be straight 90 oil. This has something to do with yellow bronze components within the t-box. Normal EP90 can damage the inner components. This has been a frequent question asked by MV owners. Tootallmike and I looked into this in depth and yes, EP90 can by all accounts damage yellow bronze components - however we also came to the conclusion damage was most likely to happen when the vehicle was parked up for long periods and whilst covering high mileage. It has somethinhg to do with when the oil is stationary and cooling, a certain chemical reaction takes place with the EP part of the oil. (Techno buffs feel free to explain further). We decided to use EP90 because it is much cheaper (straight 90 is 3 times more expensive and the advice is to change the oil every 1000 miles) Works out kind of expensive on the Ward La France. We also decided to change the oil every season and in doing so lessen the opportunity for damage to occur. Now I can not state using EP90 will not damage the yellow bronze components but to date we have had no problems using a more modern oil. Markheliops
  11. I would suggest depending on the number attending from Beltring small sized packets would be ideal with a wrecker at the rear to deal with breakdowns.
  12. Chaps and chapettes - If anyone is interested in this show contact the show organiser on the contact details in this thread. The more the merrier. Markheliops
  13. Quite right Rambo. I don't think any of us set out to win prizes - but if people keep throwing them at me - I'm happy to say thank you very much. Markheliops
  14. Hi Donald Welcome to the forum. Obtaining 11.00 x 20 bar grips for my Ward la France is a bit difficult. Especially when you need a complete set (12). Markheliops
  15. I think it is up to personal preference. I wanted to make the Ward La France nice but wasn't concerned about it being shiny. Yes, I gave it a coat of paint but that's because the French had painted various bits yellow and it would look very odd with some bits having new paint and other bits looking old and tired. I was very happy with the end result but am just as happy with the wrecker looking dirty and greasy - as a wrecker should. However, if someone wants to portray a wrecker spotlessly clean - who am I to say it’s not correct. The REME vehicles were inspected just as thoroughly as other units vehicles. I am amazed at the so called experts who say this and that is not correct. Who knows what went on in the field, unless of course you were a serving soldier at the time? Even then you could only say what you or your unit did during your service. If you attempted a restoration of a high standard then I am in agreement it should look as it has just left the factory - otherwise what‘s the point in doing it in the first place! But that is my opinion - no one elses. Likewise, people may choose to restore a vehicle to show a particular event or time such as The Bulge, Market Garden, etc. When it comes to the public I would imagine they look at our restored vehicles as if they had just rolled out of the factory rather than seen active service. Whatever way you restore your pride and joy, remember it is your vehicle and your choice. If someone doesn’t like it, tell them to …………………. and go bother someone who cares. Markheliops
  16. Agreed. I insured all of my Lotus cars through Footman James and they have always provided a good service, even when I had to claim once. Never had a problem. I just hope things will not change in the future.
  17. Hi all. Received a letter from Footman James today setting out thier intention to transfer all regulated business to Aon Limlted. Footman James are a subsidiary of Aon Limited. The letter states this is an administration matter and future cover will not be effected. I hope Footman James can continue to offer the quality service we are used too together with competative quotes but when Roadsure were taken over all services seem to double in price. Lets hope nothing changes. Markheliops
  18. Excellent - We must be able to get someone else to watch the camp - I am sure there will be other green owners around who will not be going. Tina and Graham (Scammell) will be on site. If they do not go to the show we could bribe him with beer, etc. Lee / Ian. We should be on site long enough to find some willing volunteers.
  19. Hi all. I am attending the Wings, Wheels and Steam Show at Tunbridge Wells on Sunday 19th July 2009 being held at Groombridge Place Gardens, Groombridge. As it happens, I shall be camped up at Beltring for the 2009 War and Peace by this date so it makes sense to attend this show as it is only up the road so to speak. I have approached a few HMFV members who I know will be camped in the Hop Farm for the big one so we can convoy to this show. I am planning to convoy from The Hop Farm at 0900hrs. It is the usual one day local show but should be a good day out (here's hoping for decent weather). The event is being run at two locations with the vehicles and steam engines at Groombridge Place and the Spa Valley Railway operating a steam railway service (just for you Grasshopper) over a five mile stretch between Tunbridge Wells and Eridge. For those who will not be at Beltring, vehicles have to be in situ for 1100am. The show times are from 1000hrs - 1700hrs. All vehicles attending the show must register in advance. Entry to the event is FREE of charge to any owner / driver plus two passengers. To register and obtain an entry form please contact the following: Jill Todd (Events Manager) - 01622 813888 or 07831 123987 or e-mail jtc001@btinternet.com Markheliops Jack / Joris - Can we have a War and Peace Show 2009 board and this included. Thanks chaps.
  20. I will have a look Thursday Norman - take sime pictures but my memory says it's square cut as per the above picture. Markheliops
  21. Good work Norman. Off to the farm on Thursday so if you want any pictures of certain components let me know. Markheliops
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