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Everything posted by Markheliops

  1. Thanks for posting - Looks like a great time was had by all. I would love to do a European trip but wouldn't risk taking the Ward. Cost to much in fuel as well. Pity. Anyone want to lend me a Jeep? Markheliops
  2. Top pics Mark - thanks for that. Some of that kit would look lovely on the WLF.
  3. Happy Birthday Andy - No age related jokes here mate - but how much are your winter fuel payments worth this year?
  4. Can someone answer a simple question - The VCR act came into force 2006 - Am I comitting an offence owning a replica purchased prior to the introduction of the VCR act? If I am not comitting an offence - what paperwork do I need to stay on the right side of the law? Ta
  5. We had to have some made Norman - they weren't cheap as I remember, about £8 per nut and bolt - but well worth doing. TTM had them made so should have the contact numbers etc.
  6. Hi Norman. If the weather permits - I may get up to the farm in the next couple of days - If so I shall take some measurements for you. May be worth looking at the parts list for the M1A1 but I haven't got one. Tootallmike has one. Regards Markheliops
  7. Hi Martin - Welcome to the forum. Used to work not far from you in Nathan Way, Thamesmead. Worked for Kenfield Recovery doing heavy commercial recovery. Now work in Gravesend as a fireman. See you around at the local shows, etc. Markheliops
  8. Lee - I am only being diverse mate - I respect equality and all that!!! I think it is important to have as many females associated with our hobby as possible!!! Honestly - I am.
  9. I suppose Top Turret Totty is not a front page read is it? - thought not. lol
  10. As I recall it was TTM getting damp - That doesn't sound right either!!!
  11. Looked more like this as I recall. Loads of fun though!!!
  12. No worries chaps - Fun and informative while it lasted but hey ho - can't have everything. Thanks for setting it up in the first place.
  13. Thanks David - feel all warm and fuzzy now. lol
  14. I would love to bring the Ward but it's just too far and too expensive for my beast - I'm hoping to travel up for the day on the motorbike to say hi. Markheliops
  15. Global Warming and Climate Change - What a wonderful way to raise taxes and increase the goverment coffers - Or am I being cynical - Sorry - strayed into politics there for a minute. As I understand it - the earth naturally warms up and cools down over hundreds of years.
  16. If you look closely Lee - you will see a rather large beer belly which discounts me from being that man - otherwise a close match mate. lol
  17. Believe it - there is much worst to come. It's STILL snowing here. They recon about another 6 inches tonight. Glad I'm on my 4 days off.
  18. Hi all. Okay - lets have your pic's as we are currently under a slightly unusual weather spell!!! I ventured out on foot - too many morons out in their cars trying to drive. I'm sure they all didn't need to make the car journey!!! I took the dog for a walk - he obviously hadn't seen the snow before. This is the road leading to the main road. A couple of abandoned cars parked up. You can see how much snow has fallen by measuring the snow on the garden table. What's happening everywhere else. Markheliops
  19. 2 inches - pah - We have a garden table outside - 10 inches of the white stuff. I travelled back from Basildon last night leaving about 6pm. Got home to Shirley, Croydon at 2045hrs - travelling 25 miles. The most problems I had was trying to avoid all the other idiots. Cars going at silly speed and spinning off everywhere. I counted 5 cars/vans from the Dartford tolls to junction 4 buried in to the central reservation. Oh, I didn't see one gritting lorry on route. Some what surprising as it was widely known this was coming. Good job I have just started my 4 days off as I wouldn't be able to get to work. The motorways are okay but would be impossible to get to them. Markheliops
  20. You lot are just envious - I thank you Jack - It was pointed out to me by a FEMALE member of the forum. Perhaps we should start a HMVF Hunks Calender - maybe sell them at War and Peace - to the "LADIES" obviously!!!
  21. Hi Lee. Why didn't you tell me you were having a rehersal for the Rocky Horror Picture Show - Are you playing the lead role mate? LOL. Looks as though you had a fun day though.
  22. I visited Aushwitz when I was in Poland with the TA. Very moving place. You can join a guided tour when you arrive. To be honest, you will want to stay quite a long time and a guided tour may try to rush you along. I suggest you just visit in your own time. Markheliops
  23. Looks to me as the above switch is an ignition switch WWII type as fitted to many US vehicles - including the Ward La France. If you need an NOS pull out lighting switch - RR Services. Switch could also be a universal rotary switch for many applications. Markheliops
  24. I was in Germany to see my good friend Hans - (co-owner of the FV432 and a number of his own vehicles - the Gamma being one of them). And of course to sample German hospitality and see if I could find any ITTT - International Top Turret Totty!!!
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