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Everything posted by Markheliops

  1. What do you want mate - a private invitation!!! I've heard of cutting it fine but that takes the - Taking the p---s award. I'll see you there Mark - what are you bringing. Markheliops
  2. Cheers Ian - have the kettle going mate - will need a few willing hands to erect the 12X12.
  3. Good news Mark - looking forward to seeing the Mutt again. Mike - you can un-cross your fingers now. lol
  4. Hi Lee. I am intending to make a steady move to your patch on Thursday. Cheers mate Markheliops
  5. Hi Chris - welcome to the forum. Are you still playing with Fodens or have you defected to MAN yet - or better still - are you using armour. I tinkered as a recy mech with the Sats and Sundays but I was traded as a VM1. Got my own wrecker now. LOL.
  6. Happy Birthday Jim - have a good one.
  7. Who should get their eyes tested Neil. LOL
  8. How heavy is the OT Neil? It only has a 9 ton load capacity. Couldn't carry my 432. Markheliops
  9. Wasn't the button flap meant to secure communications equipment. As usual - I stand to be corrected. Markheliops
  10. Sorry to hear about your injury Lee - If it's any consolation - you're not the only one messing around on crutches at the moment. Nor are you the only unfortunate chap to drop some thing on his foot and have a breakage.
  11. He's done a half decent job there Vince - Pity he still can't make a decent cuppa though. Are you coming to the Bunker Bash then as I thought Mike wouldn't be making an appearence because.
  12. NIce going Grasshopper - Hope you get it sorted by deadline.
  13. Got mine yesterday Lee - cheers mate. See you all there. Markheliops
  14. Take it Mike has been busy then!!!
  15. Could have seen me if you had your eyes open. I was up and down the M20 all day in Mikes 110.
  16. Excellent footage Paul - better than some pro-videos made. I wanted to visit the Thistlegorm when I visited Sharm but didn't have a PADI ticket. Would really like to dive on it still. Unfortunately, the Thistlegorm and it's cargo has suffered at the hands of many light-fingered divers who want to remove items for their personal collection. A shame really. Markheliops
  17. Many units were issued M16's dependant on where they were going. I know 21 were issued them as standard but other SF Regiments opted for better weapons, again depending on where and who they were up against. Markheliops
  18. Happy Birthday chaps - let your hair down - both strands. Markheliops
  19. Thanks for the info and advice Richard - you have answered my question. I was concerned as I know some coolants can damage alloy engines. Markheliops
  20. Tell you what Alien - Can you just point me to the link where it states what the coolent spec for a FV432 is! I've searched on here and on the internet and can't find any information in relation to my question. I dunno - I thought this forum was meant to assist owners in exactly the type of question I have asked. I realise it must be disconcerting for those with the knowlege to have to answer a simple question - but surely the fact that I have asked the question would indicate I can't find the answer - which I can't. I would have thought people would have known that I'm not prone to asking pointless questions for the hell of it -
  21. I say fragile as in the 3 odd years I have owned the Ward it has been off the road 50% of that time due to machanical failure. 1 x seized engine, 1 x knackered rear axle, and 1 x knackered gear box. I think thats enough for me to class the Ward as fragile. It was designed to tow tanks - in 1943 when it was made. Besides that, spares are difficult to get hold of - last time I had to buy another vehicle to repair mine. Of course more modern wreckers will be up to the tasks - but do your legal homework.
  22. Although on the face of it a good idea, this point has been raised before - Apart from all the legal barriers the owner would be ducking and diving under (and there are many) - I couldn't do it in the Ward as it's A) too thirsty B) too fragile. Maybe the more modern wreckers could have a go but before you consider it - check your insurance and legal position in relation to the taxing and testing of your vehicles. If involved in an incident - you could be in it up to your neck. Markheliops
  23. Ruddy marvelous - I shall contact them as well. Markheliops
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