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Everything posted by Markheliops

  1. Thanks Mark - Almost talked yourself into it then.
  2. Maybe an FV432 will be along your line of interest.
  3. Personally Clive - I'll wear what I want and blow to what people think - But I take your point. Markheliops
  4. I'm not trying to tempt you mate............................................... I just think you should buy it cos you would look rather fetching stuck out the drivers hatch - not as fetching as Lisa mind you.................................. But thats a price I'd be willing to pay.
  5. What the hell do you want an RB44 for? Tracked armour is more your style Mr Burley.......................................
  6. I brought a power pack for the 432 and a Colt 1911. Couldn't afford anything else.
  7. I think it's a great looking truck Adam - Doesn't look too bad for restoration either - Take the plunge mate - before a tree starts to grow out of the cab. Markheliops
  8. Hi Dougy - Like the look of your site. My 432 is up for sale if you want to put it up on your site. I see you have a classified for sale and wants. Markheliops
  9. I don't want to be embroiled in the helicopter row but needless to say - There were some practices going on which were certainly against CAA regulations and the pilot should have known better. Oh as a matter of fact - you don't have to land into the wind. It's better if you can - but pilots are trained to land with the wind behind them as landing into wind is not always feasable. I can understand the pilot wanting to land into wind but he should have avoided flying over people and buildings. In the event of an engine failure, the pilot does need to maintain 60 knots to enter into autorotation but can of course turn the aircraft 180 degrees into the wind. Anyway - he blew my gazebo to bits so I was quite happy to give him the V sign as he flew over!!!
  10. Towing any vehicle that HAS NOT broken down by use of an A frame is an illegal practice. A frames are designed to be used as an emergency measure to move a disabled vehicle from a place of danger. This is why the AA and other breakdown organisations stopped using them. Using them seems to be universal but as usual, if something happens and the traffic Police attend, you could be answering some awkward questions.
  11. Towing any vehicle that HAS NOT broken down by use of an A frame is an illegal practice. A frames are designed to be used as an emergency measure to move a disabled vehicle from a place of danger. This is why the AA and other breakdown organisations stopped using them. Using them seems to be universal but as usual, if something happens and the traffic Police attend, you could be answering some awkward questions.
  12. You certainly have the hair of a thug - Not sure about the balls mate!!! Luv ya baldie.
  13. Er, excuse me old man - Alternative plans were made. I gave my vehicle pass and a route card to Steve and informed people I would not be attending as the 432 was knackered and I felt it wrong to go on a days jolly whilst other members were hard at work on my vehicle. I don't know - some of you blokes need your hands held all the time!!!!!! Still, you found your way so it couldn't have been that bad.
  14. Congratulations to all for W&P awards. You join an elite group.
  15. Congratulations to Jack for up-holding his end of the deal. As said - I think it suits him rather than the mop he had on. Well done mate and well done everyone for raising the funds. Have to do something about those ears though Jack!!! Heliops
  16. It pains me to say it - but yes - Steve's Militant was a much better tool to use due to the extra reach. The Ward did have the height and reach but as Steve offered to play it would have been foolish to use the Ward and run out of reach at a critical moment. Once lifted, the pack has to come out. There is no putting it down and re-positioning. I was pleasantly surprised that the Ward had the reach but as you would have seen from the photos - it was right on the limit. Many thanks to Steve for playing - top crane operator. You need one when pulling a pack from a 432. I'm off duty in an hour then back to the Hop Farm for the remainder. Looking forward to completing the power pack change as Lee and Sean were drinking too much coffee to get the job done whilst I was at work. I don't know - whilst the boss is away and all that. See you there.
  17. Hi all. As you may be aware - I have had to pull out of this show due to the problems I have with the 432. Convoy will still be leaving from outside Lee's camp. I have given my entry to another MV owner so it was not wasted. Have a great time as the weather looks like being great. I expect a full report from someone on your return. Markheliops
  18. As we returned from Viet-hippy-camp, I noticed the oil pressure light come on in the 432. I took the APC over to Sean and the lovely Mrs Sean as they wanted to have a play. Just top it up with oil Sean and off you go. Well, 10 litres later I became concerned as nothing appeared on the dip-stick. I knew the oil level had been fine as I checked and topped up the oil level prior the trip to Bromley and the 432 had not been out since then. I checked the thing over and found oil in the coolant and oil in the hull floor. Okay - faced with a big problem and the power pack had to be removed. Not what I wanted to do but didn’t have much choice really. Before I go any further - a massive thank you to Sean, Joe and friends and Lee and Ian and others who have come to my rescue. Words really aren’t sufficient for what they have and are doing to help me get the 432 back on the road. No doubt it will cost me a load eventually - only joking. It took all of 3 seconds to talk Sean into helping - it went something like this………….. Sean, I need to remove the 432 power pack mate - Okay, be there in a few minutes………………………………...... Lee and Ian have been doing lots of running around for bits etc. They even drove down to a hose dealer in Dartford for me. The hose people couldn’t help but it’s the thought that matters. And they have been feeding me for most of the week. They must think they have another kid in the camp. Many thanks guys. The 432 saga is progressing well. A power pack was organised from a source and actually delivered the next day. Biggest problem was obtaining a pack lifting frame. Andy Ellis brought one down but it had been made incorrectly and couldn’t be used. Obtained another from the same source as the pack. The pictures will tell you the story. As it stands at this time - Power pack is removed and awaiting steam cleaning. The hull needs to be emptied of oil and steam cleaned - I’m sure pictures of me in my tele-tubby suit will surface at some point. Heat exchanger and broken pipe needs replacing. Replace radiator. Service the power pack with new filters, etc. Run up power pack outside hull to ensure correct operation. Refit power pack and cross fingers. I hope to have the thing running again by Wednesday. Once again - not possible without the help and co-operation of many friends from the forum and my eternal thanks. If you’re passing - stop and say hi but don’t expect any tea of coffee - Lee and Sean have drunk it all!!!! Markheliops
  19. Hi all. A quick up-date and review of War and Peace so far as I am in-between night duties. Arrived on the Sunday towing the Brockhouse and Ben Hur with the Ward, followed by the naughty-nurse (Mrs Heliops). Thanks to Lee for reserving my usual space. I intended to have a relaxing week prior to the start of the show but as you will have seen - didn’t quite work out like I intended. The Hippy Camp. I offered to show the kids on site some of our vehicles if the organisers were okay with us coming over. Things started well and the kids invaded the Fox and 432. I answered questions of the 432 as did Lee. It was then pointed out that some 18 year old Herbert had sign written my vehicle with Anarchy Rules, etc. I must point out my response to this act of vandalism would normally be to jump down and give the youth a painful lesson in respecting someone else’s property. However, I chose the more intelligent approach. I asked the spotty moron if he actually knew what Anarchy meant. He gave me some reply about everyone loving each other, etc. I then proceeded to educate him in what the term Anarchy actually means. I also pointed out to him that I had experienced Anarchy in Bosnia when I served there and described in great detail some of the horrific things I had encountered during my tours of the Balkans. Needless to say, I made the young chap look rather foolish in front of a very large crowd and by the end of the educational discussion, made the moron see sense. To his credit, the young chap admitted he had been a twat and we shook hands. 1-0 to the MV owners. Once the above had been sorted, I was approached by a not to shabby young lady who I later found out to be a CND activist who was known for causing a few problems. Her first words to me were I was displaying a “Tool of Murder” (meaning the 432) and I was a murderer for using it. Here we go again I thought. An even larger crowd had assembled for round two. The discussion went to and fro. She wanted an ideal world - (don’t we all) - I agreed with her ideas but insisted she removed the tag of me being a murderer and the 432 being a murderers tool. She was having none of it. I explained when I used a 432 in Bosnia, it was for peace-keeping duties to stop people murdering each other but she still insisted I had blood on my hands. Time for another approach I thought. The hippy camp (as Lee and I like to refer to it) was a camp for children being educated at home) for whatever reason. As our discussion went on and on, I asked her about WWII and should we have fought it to stop the Nazis. She openly admitted, in front of a very large crowd, she knew nothing of WWII so could not comment. This coming from a lady who taught her own children at home! Surely I asked, if the generation of tomorrow are to stop the wars and bloodshed, they need to know about the mistakes made in the past. She flustered for a few seconds and then replied her children were taught what she wanted them to know. I was now on a roll. I advised her if she only taught her children what she wanted them to know - she is dictating what her children will learn and is not allowing them freedom of choice - hence she is a dictator!!! On top of that, she was the only voice against us showing the children the vehicles where as a couple of thousand people in the camp were more than happy. If we left, her single wish was going to effect the entire camp - hence (you’ve guessed it - that makes her a dictator. 2-0 to the MV owners. She then proceeded to start on about the Middle East and how badly the Israelis were treating the Palestinians. I would have been in trouble here as I don’t know much about the Middle East crisis apart from it started after WWII and was mainly due to the conditions imposed after the end of the war. I need not have worried. As she was in full rant, a gentleman stepped from the crowd and explained he was from Israel and knew a lot more about it than she did. His own words were - “you see the world through the eyes of an angel but talk S***. Shortly afterwards we left the camp after being thanked by the organisers for showing the vehicles and having a healthy debate. All in all it was an eventful visit but went okay as the organisers invited us back for beers later. I accepted but Lee and Ian declined. I think they were a bit unsure what may have awaited us later on in the Love Circle. I had a good time and even ended up with my arm up a young lady’s skirt - as she had a crafty cigarette - but that’s another story. More later on the 432 saga. Markheliops
  20. Excellent - thanks for that Richard - Means he can help me do mine. lol
  21. I'm off to the Hop Farm on Sunday - See you all there - come and say hi - opposite Lee. Markheliops
  22. So do I mate - I have to work Friday and Saturday night as we have a shortage of Junior Officers - despite the fact I had the night duties booked off for over 3 months. grrrrr. Oh well - I shall arrive at Hop Farm about 0730hrs in the morning - are you listening Lee!!! - just in time for a cuppa, get changed and warm the beast up. I shall be set up prior to this - I shall be at Beltring from Monday 13th.
  23. Received entry passes etc for the Groombridge Gardens show today. All entrants have to be on site by the latest 1030hrs or you get parked in the visitors car park. I shall be leaving the Hop Farm at 0900hrs - on the dot. For all those ex-military types, that means 0855hrs ready to roll. Anyone wishing to tag on to a convoy - as long as you have an entry pass - feel free to line up by my and Lees pitch. Anyone not leaving from the Hop Farm but making their own way - see you there. Markheliops
  24. Hi Andy - I don't think they are sending out entry forms - You and your vehicle just have to be registered. Will check tomorrow with Jill.
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