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Everything posted by Markheliops

  1. Everyone is short when they stand next to the tall one - Right - that's it - I'm going on hols with the lovely Debbie. Jack - I'll see you as previously discussed - And the rest of you - NO FIGHTING - untill I get back anyway!!! Have fun. Heliops
  2. Is that so bald one!!! Bunker Bash 2009 Combined Ops 2009 Military Meyhem 2009 Naughty Nurse is going to have the right hump with you - and considering we are due to meet in the not too distant future - I suggest you work on your grovelling technique.
  3. Hi all. Until I can get to write a full report - here is a video of the Chieftains playing at Salute 2009. Here are the photos I took at the show. http://s169.photobucket.com/albums/u233/Markheliops/Salute%202009/ Regards Markheliops
  4. Hi all. Have been routing around in my hard drive and found this video of the car winching display we carried out out Meyhem this year. I like the way the suspension fluid pipe gives out under stress. I thought the show was very well planned and better than last year. Well done to the Meyhem team. Markheliops
  5. Thanks Vince - You must have access to my crystal ball!!!!!!
  6. Many thanks Chris - copy ordered. Regards Markheliops
  7. Thanks for all your positive comments chaps. The only thing which gives me some degree of comfort in relation to being a Chieftain owner is that there are more than enough forum members on here with know-how and experience of these beasts. Good job really - cos I must admit to knowing s-d all about them. Guess I'm going to be a quick learner.
  8. Hi all. Yes - I am still here. I have been very busy lately. I have attended The Salute show in Dublin and attended the 40's event at Chatham - both great shows and reports will be written as soon as I get around to it. I am on holiday with the lovely Naughty-Nurse (Debbie) for a couple of weeks and will get writing on my return. (She is entitled to some Heliops time ya know). I have over 200 hundred photos of the Irish Military Vehicle Group's show - Salute to post, etc. Quick update - Hans and I have now agreed a purchase of a Chieftain MBT. I wasn't going to discuss it on here as we haven't paid for it yet but references have been made to it so this is the story. Hans (co owner of the FV432) has always been an armoured groupie. He longs for something big with a gun on it. I spent a year trying to put him off the idea but failed. Due to his apetite for armour - Sean (forum member) and Hans got chatting at War and Peace where Sean offered his English Chieftain for sale. Hans duely despatched me to Salute Show where I viewed and drove the said vehicle. A deal has been brokered and I expect the tank to be at my location by November / December. Hans is over the moon - I am to say a little aprehensive - never having had something so big or known to be so troublesome. However - on saying that I know we have purchased a very GOOD Chieftain rather than a heap of junk, of which there are many for sale. Anyway - I'm off on hols with Debbie so will get writing the reports for the forum. Markheliops
  9. Will be a long job Vince - but well worth the effort when it's completed.
  10. I'm there with the Naughty Nurse and the love trailer. Carrie and Vicki are going too. Have tickets for the Blitz Ball so looking forward to a good night. The 40's event is where the lovely Debbie and I met last year. Sort of an Anniversary - ahhhh. Markheliops
  11. I agree Adrian - I remember when I took my car licence and I recieved my licence back from DVLA - there was never an H entitlement granted. I had to take a separate test for the H cat. Must be a screw up by DVLA.
  12. I don't think £15 is too much to ask for a one of event - cost that much for a tent pitch for a couple of days.
  13. I think the council fly-tipping patrols were paying more than a passing interest!!!
  14. Oy - Just because you have the hair of a yobbo - doesn't mean you have to act like it!!!!
  15. See you there chaps. I'm arriving with Naughty Nurse Friday about mid-day. Have to stop off for some bits on route.
  16. Hi all. Many thanks to Lee for posting pictures - and to Harry for snapping away. I asked my lovely Naughty Nurse (Debbie) to bring her camera but she forgot in her rush to see me. First of all, like most members, I really enjoyed the weekend. Felt very relaxed and amoungst friends. Usual HMVF members appeared over the weekend and stopped by. I'd like to think they came to see me but I suspect they came to see the Naughty Nurse and the "Love Trailer." Only one person nearly stepped on the Union Jack mat - and he had no hair. You should be ashamed of yourself. Apologies for the noisy generator - when a girls got to do her hair - she's got to do her hair. I would like to think I tried to be considerate in my times and frequency of use. Only grumble I have in relation to the show was the parking of green vehicles - spread over a distance too far and with no apparent organisation. I'm afraid us (we) vehicles owners should take the blame for that. I know it's a touchy subject but to be honest - I couldn't give a hoot if someone has a green tent or a white tent. I would like to see all the vehicles together - facing outwards with tents / caravans at the rear and the avenues back to back so joe public can walk up and down with vehicles both sides. Anyway - minor point to what was a very enjoyable show. Many thanks to Graham and Tina who looked after me until Naughty Nurse arrived - much appreciated. At least Lee, Ian and Harry could have the weekend off. Off to Meyhem on Friday - at least I will if this cold I have goes away. Truck and the Love trailer are already on site. Feel free to come and say hi - only DO NOT step on the Union Jack mat. Markheliops
  17. Ah - it's one of THOSE clubs is it!!! THink I'll opt for the pay as you go option instead of full memebership then. Oh and the Naughty Nurse will NOT be happy. Best you don't ask for dinner again.
  18. Jack - can I bring my girls and the Naughty Nurse with me?
  19. Can I bring my own dancing girls Jack - I presume there is room for the A-ward lafrance and the love trailer. As for the pole - better the devil you know and I didn't see anyone complaining at this years Bunker Bash when a pole was in use however I must point out the technique was all wrong - you're supposed to go down the pole - not up it.
  20. Graham and Tina will be convoying with me on Thursday PM where we shall meet up with Lee and Ian on arrival.
  21. My mate in Germany can obtain partsd for Mutt and Hummer - Depends how quickly you need them.
  22. I'm from Shirley, Croydon - but my vehicles are in Paddock Wood - do I count. Plus lived in Kent for 6 years.
  23. I'm booked in and ready to attend with the Ward and the Love trailer - providing it behaves itself at Combined Ops next weekend. (Thats the Ward - not the Love trailer).
  24. Glad to see the old chap has found his way back home - and shame on you for losing him in the 1st place.
  25. Hi Dougy - The stuff on the HMVF classifieds thread will do. If you need the pics, I can mail them to you or can you cut and paste from the thread.
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