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About james-sas

  • Birthday 12/04/1985

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  1. new spec deacs are relatively cheap... for instance: http://www.dandbmilitaria.com/l1a1-slr-with-plastic-furniture-1289-p.asp dans a easy going fella so can do a lay away on it.. just a thought..
  2. james-sas

    Vulcan XL426

    never realised how small the cockpits are for such a large aircarft!
  3. Mark i know of one but it aint cheap he's asking £15 for it!! if you ring its the one in his display cabinet!! New Cross Army Surplus Ltd, 25/27 Tib Street, Manchester, M4 1LX Registered No. 2226483 Tel: 0161 834 1818 email: sales@militarykit.com
  4. Thank you all!! sadly ive got a black baby gro (god bless mylene klass!!) and am going to put some blue arm patches on, when i'm not zombiefied! trying to convince the wife a pigs a suitable family vehicle! dont think i'll fare too well! i know kenyos yes! are you from up here degsy?
  5. Very sorry to all who have emailed me during my absence! and most importantly ferritfixer (theres a p.m for you!) But i would like to take great delight in announcing the birth of my son Owen! he was born 3 weeks premature on the 17th of this month, and fortunately takes his mothers looks!! So been busy!! again many apologies to all and hope to speak to you all soon!!!
  6. Ah right! thanks for sorting that one richard! cleared one thing up for me!!
  7. Its obvious there's "trailor-sharing" going on check out the number plates on tractor and trailor? i dont think theres strictly a trailor for a specific tractor however i may be wrong!! any more pics of seddons guys? Another random question i remember years ago in trucking international or something like that they did a article on british logistics in kosovo(if i remember correctly!) they were with a foden of the R.C.T, now that had a mount in the cab for a SA80. My question is did earler models of vehicle have mounts for say a S.L.R or more to the point a STERLING (think thats more appropriate!) Help!!!
  8. yeah, although as i recall it was a double seat, i dont know about pattens, but there is a dealer near me who will supply civvi items for the leyland! i'll enquire as soon as i can!
  9. Dont think it will help much but hey ho: http://www.mod-sales.com/direct/vehicle/,26,/18425/Leyland_Daf.htm# its picture number 6!!
  10. i must have overlooked that one!! so what is the crack with them?
  11. have a look at this and tell me what you think.... http://www.28dayslater.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=38567:coffee:
  12. 28 days later direct link to military section click here: http://www.28dayslater.co.uk/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=5
  13. Thanks for that richard must admit i was racking my brains and i never thought of that!!!! james
  14. 6x6 thats a face lifted 401 different grille, and bumper. the seddon in nicks pic is the strato (or it was in civvi life!!) just noticed the first pic you posted 6x6 is a left hooker, any reason for this?? cheers james
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