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R Cubed

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Everything posted by R Cubed

  1. Yea that and the Long Tom is about 10 tons heavier !!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Did you have an old tank to work from ? How close a match is it !
  3. Sorry cant suggest a good alternative but when you find one try to go for one with a variable knob to adjust the timing as many vehicles now only have a TDC mark so you need to adjust the point at which the strobe fires to give the correct timing.
  4. R Cubed


    Surly with the price of petrol and Diesel fuel going up is it getting close to steam cars being a viable alternative ! What would the costs per mile work out to be ?
  5. That's not too bad as my 105 is dated 1944, would you have any hints on where to get the bubbles for the mounts...
  6. As we are on the subject of these telescopes I could do with the rubbery eye piece bit does anyone have one or know where to get one :cool2: Have you lit you scope up if you look down by the eye piece on the proud ring at about 1 o'clock there is a little red dimple bit, if you shine a light in there and look through the eye piece you will see all the graduations lit up red, how cool....:cheesy:
  7. I have noticed that there are several models of M16 elbow telescope, which would be the correct one for a WWII 105mm M2A1 Howitzer ? Any pics of the correct one would be great so I know what to look for.
  8. Can we have a map or address of where in abouts in the country it is being held as us southerners don't know where it is, so I can price transport
  9. Wren Ave ??? Cant find that, is it the main gate with the spitfire on a post just inside the gateway off the Hillingdon Road A4020 ?
  10. You get there for this event and I will give you a bottle of J D :shocked: I think I am on to a safe bet ...........
  11. I cant help with your question but how about some pics of what you have got !!
  12. Here is a Google map to the Toby Carvery so how about what David has suggested !!!! http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=ugly+Duckling+,Oxford+road+Denham+UB9+4LJ&sll=51.572566,-0.526353&cid=16389780429873152760&hl=en&ie=UTF8&hq=ugly+Duckling+,Oxford+road+Denham+UB9+4LJ&hnear=&ll=51.573197,-0.52769&spn=0.000764,0.002626&t=h&z=19
  13. oh whats the difference between a low loader and a step frame :undecided: thought they were the same thing.
  14. Sorry, dont have any data plates or manuals to refer to as it was a general question. Did not want to search the internet as I am a member of this forum which is frequented by many owners who have many years experience and who have this sort of equipment so I hoped to get first hand answers, anyway isn't this what a forum is about ..:cool2:
  15. You could try contacting Rex Ward he knows everything DUKW.
  16. I will have to take some more pics of the edges and buckles and flappy bits.
  17. Thanks Rob, Is the metal band sprung or does it just bend round to form the shape of the barrel and then the strap holds it tight ?
  18. So I could call it 24 x 14 Penthouse for FV432 ? will probably be for sale.
  19. Very had to see the print on the canvas so I have typed it as best I can make out. Cover Canvas Penthouse 24 Ft x 14 Ft 8340 - 99 - 800 - 0043 T K S I / 2016 . S . F . 2002 I cant see how it is a tent no distinct sides, along one side there are some buckles and oblong holes with oblong brass eyelits in them, also some very strange flappy bits and stiched cornery bits.
  20. Hi all does anyone have a pic of what sort of rear light was used on the end of the barrel when towing and how it was fixed to the barrel.
  21. OMG what the hell are you lot up to.......Franticly trying to stop Rosie logging in.......eeeeekkkk I think I have failed....... Heading for the hills see you all later......:shocked:
  22. So if you had a 2 axle tractor unit and 3 axle trailer what would the un-laiden weight be roughly, what could it carry ? What about a 3 axle tractor unit and 3 axle trailer what would the un-laiden weight be roughly and what could it carry ? Is there a max length for a trailer ? Is there a max height of load, obviously to miss bridges but what is it ?
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