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David Ives

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Everything posted by David Ives

  1. can you let us mear mortals know when jack is on site as he wont have access to the internet there so we can then play with a few pictures of him
  2. jack just a reminder this was your exaxt words:n00b: If we can raise £400 pound then I will shave all of my beautiful locks off - the whole bloody lot - I will go bald - this is going to break my heart and I will lose all of my style and cred but hell - it is for the cause and it is the least that I could do! so sorry jack but the total was over £400:nono::nono:
  3. hi im intersted in getting a mj could i have a link to your website please

  4. jack our beloved leader unless i am mistaken it was you who said that if we raised enougth to get one more vetran onto the beach you would lose those golden locks:n00b:and even with my reconing we beet that by a long way with the helmet,glass and donations so no chance of you getting away from everyone this time unlike at the bunker when you disapered before i could find you:nono:as we will have as many hmvf members looking for you in all the nooks and cranies it will depend who you trust to cut the hair and how still you sit to what it will look like at the end just like in the national service days be good and get short back and sides or play up and have a 0 hair cut:cool2::cool2:
  5. in that case its all hair:rofl::rofl::rofl:
  6. no its not shave him its:yay: off off off:yay::rofl::rofl:
  7. i now know why i hate the dentist:shake::shake::shake:
  8. there is a pair of those clippers on e15
  9. hi don glad to see you finally made it see you at a show soon dave
  10. rosie take jack to e15 there will be a nice selection of hats available
  11. just remember that and we want before and after photo's plus bj has manual clippers on his stall at e15
  12. a true loss but a credit he was at st dunstans r.i.p that just leaves harry patch from somerset now so he will have the state funeral at westminster
  13. just for jack this week im going to be BALD
  14. adam both myself and roger the 118 team were members of the rmp and show what we did in the 80's the good and the bad i have the 109 and have kitted it out as such but i also have a field kitchen which is shown in use at shows but i was never a member of the acc but have tried to get he correct kit for that
  15. well as a member of both sections mv owner and living history i for one would never insult any member :stop:the only thing that gets up my nose is wearing officers rank that you never earnt:stop: i was a full screw and i doubt if even today in cwp i will ever rise above that but i would never bring the corps into disrepute even thought i have been caught on photo a couple of times joking around:nono: many a time people have come up to me and said we hated you monkeys but we also respected the job you had to do the best praise we have had was last year at southwick park when one of the colonels came over and said he didnt realise we are now living history we will always try to do our best to show what we did properly even thougth we are getting older and a bit more bigger round the waist:shocked:
  16. hopefully next year when the plain invasion is back you will be able to come onto the plains with it
  17. not sure about jack and the plank looks to neat
  18. ok does anyone have any ideas went out today landrover ran well stopped for the day at ardingly for help for heroes restarted went to get out of the field then cut out and wouldnt restart got fitter out after 2 hours and it ran again for a while and got back to eastbourne stopped at mothers then didnt want to start again after 1/2 hour started again and got home anyone got any ideas:???
  19. neil when it went back last time did they charge you for the work on the brakes and did they give you the spare belts that you paid them to change
  20. ok here are a few pictures from the tour i did yesterday we left at 4am and finnishrd at midnight we stated at the south african cemetry then went on to Lochnagar Crater then we moved towards albert for lunch then towards the canadian cemetary where a minister was due so made a bit of a muck up of our plans so took a couple of photos of the trenchs and a photo of the piper playing a lament by the visitor centre then to wind the day up with a visit to Thiepval where we were diverted from a main road by gendarm towards a bridge with was 2.6m high and the coach was 3.6m high after finding another route to thiepval we got there and i managed to put a cross against the main memoral with hmvf on it after leaving here we headed towards arras to find they had a concert in the square so could not stop and headed back towards the uk
  21. neil it seems strange but the people who did the work have another one there ready to drive away was yours mk1 as that is what they are selling with a few bumps on the front
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