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David Ives

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Everything posted by David Ives

  1. ok as work has turned up for saturday i will only be able to make the sunday now but will bring up a couple of the family for the day
  2. neil there is also this adjustable one on ebay 310143474399
  3. my series 3 109 ffr 1974 24 volt is the type with 6 holes in the top with tanks under the seats
  4. neil the top section with six holes looks like the ones out of the 24 volt landrover bot with a diffrent length of wire arm is it worth trying to make a repair out of a landy one
  5. here are three from the royal engineers do last sunday
  6. ok well as my tour is now a week later i might be able to make it up sat evening sun morn
  7. cant wait to see where mark parks it in the clubhouse car pak a certain gmc spot looks favourite:rofl::rofl::rofl:
  8. after seeing the one at military mayhem it looks great
  9. try here http://www.geocities.com/bkoprowski/msongs.htm
  10. id be in even if only for the kettle if not working best idea is one/two people has a contact no and they have all details for other members who is willing to take part in the program
  11. when the kids ask you were you in the falklands yes it happened today
  12. looking at the last set of pictures the ra shot the climer off the wall
  13. but on the good side will have the mj by then:yay::yay::yay:
  14. sad news on my part unfortunatly i wont be able to make it now as work has gone belistic and now doing tour with the african childrens choir on a two week rota and the weekend is slap bang in the middle of a stint on so will be back in northern ireland then sorry but next event for me will be next may
  15. well just on my way back from a two week tour of northern ireland and have just had to check into belfast city airport not only passport checked but everything checked must have a suspicius face or the fact that im wearing my vetrans pin upsept someone
  16. spotted today on the road from larne to ballymena in ni two trucks the first having a cvrt on it and it looked like grasshopers truck then a couple of minutes time saw another truck with what looked like a jeep and a jimmy on the back was it anyone here
  17. rosie i will bend over for the kicking anytime from you:iloveyou::iloveyou:
  18. who says no women need help washing up and other things now ducking the incoming fire from rosie
  19. ok just to confirm the food will be done from a modern field kitchen not from ground fires as per ww2 specs and if anyone has been to a event that i cater for they know the food is ok see you there
  20. C1 Vehicles weighing between 3,500 kg and 7,500 kg, with or without a trailer - weighing no more than 750 kg 18* C1+E As category C1 but with a trailer weighing more than 750 kg. The total weight of the vehicle and the trailer together can’t weigh more than 12,000 kg. The weight of the trailer, when fully loaded, can’t weigh more than the unladen weight of the vehicle 21*, **, *** hope this helps mark so depending on the weight of the trailer would limit the weight of everything else
  21. great weekend:yay::yay: a little knackered now and sunburn on the back of the neck but a really enjoyable show as for bribary:n00b::iloveyou::coffee:
  22. just caught the end of tonights episode and saw our very own gritneye talking about scamells
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