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David Ives

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Everything posted by David Ives

  1. also visit our adopted soldier he is buried at red cross corner cemetery beugny row 11 b 20 the initals are jackson b i
  2. try this for a good link of the somme tour http://www.zevisit.com/ZEVISIT/US/FicheCircuit/337-Circuit-of-Remembrance.html
  3. see you friday mid morning have the kettle on please as the cookhouse will take a while to set up
  4. seconded well done every penny is for the best cause of all our servicemen and women
  5. glad you went if free this weekend come to military maham space in tent if needed tony and the boys
  6. i just hope the scrap yard these were taken to does like the plymouth ones did and turn them over to the police
  7. if its where i think it is no space for a helicopter
  8. yes chris im thinking of one but i need to know what they averaged at or would it be better to get one of the direct release ones i know i would have to go up to have a look and would have to get the time off this time so i dont end up with two
  9. does anyone have a copy of julys tender list as i would like to work out what the bedfords went for but need to know their lot numbers to find the prices they went for
  10. military vehicles on men and motors now a wide variety from tracked to jeeps very intersting
  11. welcome to the mad house there are plenty of people here from the south east so make yourself at home
  12. i will be going probobly with the only bit of pw gear naimly the cookhouse
  13. carfull chris your champ will be there soon
  14. glad you made it bernard bevys at fot
  15. mark with both me and mark heliops joining at the same time its a weeks party so :pfrt::pfrt::pfrt::pfrt::pfrt::pfrt::pfrt: see you soon
  16. posibly as have to think of a new way to win a trophy this year so food could be a idea
  17. jack replied with some suggestions but forgot one thing will send another pm
  18. ash find the cwp site brew will always be on mate
  19. well i will be there with maybe a surprise this year
  20. ok i have stepped back a bit so far but here is my tuppence worth clean rest room facilities food available at not exobarant prices no vehicle movement after 10pm after all most people have had a drink by then and no loud parties after 12pm marshalls for movement and speed restrictions enforced tents no problem with civi tents so long as camod up if next to mvs propper routes for mil and civi vehicles so if reenactor in car then unload and move to designated parking areas and finally no charges if exhibiting as costs money to get to events and if we wernt there there wouldnt be a event anyway the plains bash is diffrent as we have to cover mod costs but then its not a show
  21. is it just me or does the truck look like its lost a wheel at the back
  22. are you sure about that:n00b::n00b::stop:
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