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David Ives

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Everything posted by David Ives

  1. phil tried to call tonight but signal went do you have a landline

  2. well last night was the first airing of a new documentry about the troubles in ni http://www.history.co.uk/shows/soldiers-stories/about.html i thought it was well put together and showed a true represention of facts hell even i recognised a few places and after my recent visit i agree that some areas are still scary after all the years
  3. jack see if you can get richard to bring the marqui so we can have a large mess tent for everyone to eat in
  4. welcome to the mad house from another emlra member as well
  5. not yet making my mind up between one from withams or one in france

  6. have a great day chris see you soon:dancing::beer::dancinggirls:
  7. two apaches flying over eastbourne at 3pm today
  8. if your near a moto services they sell it there
  9. jack just remember the cookhouse will need to be near water and shelter and hidden from ww2 vehicles as modern dates are in diary
  10. paul when i have had to use my roadsure breakdown i have had mick gould from flimwell turn out and he has some big recovery trucks as well as smaller recovery so maybe worth contacting him to put on the list as a vehicle for near w&p
  11. due to a shortage of vehicles a new mateing programe has been introduced withing the tank section
  12. i will try the Ingouf Farm where the baynot charge took place
  13. hi jenny glad you made it here dont worry about jack hes harmless really dave(118)
  14. tony why not try the weekend before jacks do or the weekend after in june
  15. well it must be a demotable offence then joris and reduced to the ranks
  16. thanks for the info everyone have decided to go with a box body and set it up as a permant display this is so i can show what would have been a command post in the 80's with a bunk set up on one side behind cupboard doors so can fold away when not in use will have to set up a rope to go on steps but a friend can weld brackets for me for the posts to go in as for a project vehicle when i register it i will put it under special type(display vehicle) and althougth still hgv can drive it on 7.49ton licence legally have it in writing from dvla thanks for all the help
  17. dosnt anyone want to help me chose
  18. piet all details will be posted her and if you are coming over two weeks later is the bunker bash
  19. ok as most of you will know i will shortly be getting a bedford and i have to decide what body to put on it the choices are cargo/crew body which i would have to kit out as a display unit plus sleeping area (a lot of work) box body which would not take a lot to change over to a display vehicle and normally has a bed in it as a display vehicle it comes under mobile project vehicle so would need to be left permant set up which way would you all advise as would also need to cary spare gear for the cookhouse
  20. welcome to the mad house you wouldnt want jacks the battery was only held on with string
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