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David Ives

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Everything posted by David Ives

  1. yes so now we have the before and after look
  2. yes but it looks great a lot better than when falling over it in your garage and you wanting to get her running again
  3. earth is tank direct to frame or am i missing a wire
  4. ok can someone help me i have just replaced both sender and guage on a series landrover but still cant get the b****y thing to tell me the right level have 24volt at front of guage and 24volt out to sender unit what is missing as when lift the sender float up nothing happens still reads empty any ideas please:trustme:
  5. yes but the cadet instructors wanted it done in the mud thougth
  6. mark cuffs are waiting at next event for you:stop::n00b::cool2:
  7. not quite sure about those smilies:???
  8. sorry gary but ruperts straight out of sandhurst are all ****** gents who have risen throught the ranks are diffrent as they have earnt the respect of men first then gone up tothen become semi ruperts but they have never lost contact with the men under their command what do you call a rupert out of sandhurst with a map compass and radio (out of their depth) rant over ex cpl rmp
  9. have a great one mate we should stick together next year come to cwp and have a bevy
  10. oh still 44 candles if you dont mind thanks for all the comments and now a well earned glass after driving in london today
  11. wrong mate at the end of the night everyone did even the lads
  12. did anyone manage to get a photo of myself or roger working that they can forward to roger for his website please
  13. as faversham surly military mayhem for a show as right on the doorstep
  14. just got back in from a very tireing and eventfull weekend many thanks to all that helped when i had my alergic reaction sat night the entertainment in the cyprus mess was great rambo and crew plus mark lee and ian thank you for sorting out my tent thursday night jack you managed to slip pass us when we wernt looking and still has his locks wait till w&p jack hope those that met the 118 team found us apprachable and i managed to place a few faces to names now see you all soon
  15. ok i will need some volunters for tommorow evening about 7.30-8pm as will be dropping the 12x12 off and then going round to pick up passengers from heathrow then returning about 2am with the landrover so do we have any willing volunters who want to earn a pint
  16. ian i know on the map that roger had weve got position 21 main entrance if you can put a flag where the 12x12 is going then when i get there i will be quiet and try to sort things out without disturbing anyone hopefully and then see you in the morning with a nice coffee with two sugars as will be in the office(back of landrover) or if i can get the guvoner to approve as i have to pick up at heathrow late evening i will come round with the coach in the afternoon and drop the 12x12 off first
  17. well done depending which test if going for psv then 90% of test answers are based on comfort and safety of passengers did mine and got told off as the instructor said i was a smart alec full score
  18. well i will be arriving about 2am friday morning now as work has come up again the night beforefinishing at midnight so if anyone is arround then put a cold bud on ice for me
  19. try these people for vehicle history http://www.rlcmuseumfriends.com/page23.htm
  20. dont worry rosie the time to be scared is if he tries to mount it:nono::nono::rofl:
  21. have pmd jack and he is happy to act as a gobetween but you need to get it to him tommorow as he will be leaving early friday morning then money will be sent back for you

    if out of the two one is tall and about 38 chest then can i have that one please


  22. hi john welcome to the mad house we get certified once a year here
  23. not sure about a pull througth would need a big wire brush for that or a big mop
  24. great find yet another old beast to get back on the road again
  25. David Ives


    you just love playing in the mud dont you i bet you looked like a swamp rat afterwards
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