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David Ives

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Everything posted by David Ives

  1. oh come on:stop: for the last 4 years it has rained on the cuckoo but been dry on the laughton one:n00b::n00b:
  2. i was wondering that as well as any absell you tend to use gloves if not used to using ropes
  3. i wonder if jack will do a sampson and lose all his strength
  4. you can be but your bed will be in the bar
  5. definatly sat night as tony and the team should be there then
  6. you undo the nut at the back andthen push the rest forward to access the inside workings
  7. neil i might need to hire you as will be shattered by the time i get there possibly early hours friday now as more work is comming in for thursday night same as last year
  8. hq provost will be up late thursday night as will be working thursday day but will need a beer when i get there
  9. try this http://tooltray.com/Hand-Tools/Allen-%26-Hexagon-Keys/Allen-Keys-Long-Arm-Imperial/Long-Arm-Allen-Key-1%2F2in-81044.htm
  10. definatly signed never met a better behaved group of soldiers and they deserve being treated better by this goverment and the next one too
  11. looks good paul all you need now is a new gearbox or is it the propshaft
  12. better one here http://emlra.org/articles/GS,CL&FFR.htm
  13. signed maybe we should elect one to be a mp and see what they do
  14. for those who dont know there are two types of driving aggressive and devensive i tend to drive defensive more often now due to the amount of ***** on the road
  15. yes the plains tour will be back we are working on that at the moment
  16. lee looks like yours is going to end up as the b***ze up instead
  17. it is with great regret:cry: and sadness:cry: that we have to put this up but this years plains tour has had to be cancellled due to the british army having manouvers over the weekend including the area we were going to it is hoped that we will be able to sort another date but that will be on the millitary planning side to let us know when one will become available please can you let anyone that is not on the forum that you know was comming know that this has happenned once again sorry for this nearly last minute notice but we hope to meet up with you all at other shows i will try to pm all those i know thank you
  18. mark become a snowdrop then
  19. so vince are you going into the recovery bussiness then
  20. yes welcome to the madhouse hopefully see you soon
  21. this is copied from another forum with the posters consent so see what you think:n00b: so true.... (sort of) CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Get upset if you are too busy to talk to them for a week MILITARY FRIENDS: Are glad to see you after many years; and will happily carry on the same conversation you were having last time you met CIVIILIAN FRIENDS: Never ask for food. MILITARY FRIENDS: Are the reason you have no food. CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Call your parents Mr and Mrs. MILITARY FRIENDS: Call your parents Mum and Dad. CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Bail you out of jail and then tell you what you did was wrong. MILITARY FRIENDS: Would be sitting next to you saying 'mate...we stuffed up...but wasn't that fun!' CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Have never seen you cry. MILITARY FRIENDS: Cry with you. CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Borrow your stuff for a few days then give it back. MILITARY FRIENDS: Keep your stuff so long, they forget it is yours. CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Know a few things about you. MILITARY FRIENDS: Could write a book with a shed full of direct quotes from you. CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Will leave you behind if that is what the crowd is doing. MILITARY FRIENDS: Will kick the backsides of whole crowds that left you behind. CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Would knock on your door. MILITARY FRIENDS: Walk right in and say 'I'm home, do you want a beer?!' CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Share a few experiences. MILITARY FRIENDS: Share a lifetime of experiences no civilian could ever dream of. CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Will take your drink away when they think you've had enough. MILITARY FRIENDS: Will look at you stumbling all over the place and say 'you had better drink the rest of that, you know we never waste it'. Then they carry you home and put you safely to bed. CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Will talk crap to the person who talks crap about you. MILITARY FRIENDS: Will knock the crap out of people who use your name in vain. CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Are for a while. MILITARY FRIENDS: Are for life. CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Will ignore this. MILITARY FRIENDS: Will forward this to their military mates. hope you enjoy it:yay::yay::yay:
  22. great news mate see you in a couple of weeks i hope youve booked the time off already
  23. hi why not try to link with neil artistrifles you bring the tm and carry neils stolly and share the fuel costs for the weekend of the plains
  24. yes landscape and if a member of emlra then complete wok pack is there
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