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David Ives

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Everything posted by David Ives

  1. having a guess my cameras date is wrong a day to fast
  2. we did pegasus on the sunday morning as the other two days were taken up with memorials the first day after driving from the tunnel we stopped at the first cemetary where british and french soldiers died after dunkirk the second day was montongermy where i had the photo of myself and two other rmp one of which landed on d-day then to cain i think third day was bayoux for charles where i ended up pushing our standerd bearer and a officer told me to follow him and took us straight through the crowd to the rear of the standerds and in the afternoon to aramance where i managed to meet up with a few hmfv members before trying to keep our vetrans dry and safe fouth day was the american beaches after pegasus bridge where one of the vetrans told me he had jumped off the bridge for a dare for a packet of fags in the evening i took a few down to hornfleur where we were stayng and found a local bar where the locals respected the vets and we ended up having a singsong with a young lad playing the accordian the vets never paid for a beer all night yesterday we came home but all the vets want to do it again in 5 years time
  3. ok here are my pictures of my time with the vetrans great to meet upwith a few hmvf members especially lynx44 from austalia [/img]
  4. well i have just got back from the tour and being with the vetrans made my weekend the vetrans at aramache were getting fed up with waiting and after singing why are we waiting they then decided on their own back to march througth the gendarm straight onto the parade square and then got soaked waitng for the dignitries in the morning at bayoux it was completly diffrent the police had sort of worked out coach parking and when charles turned up a great chear went up and he went round and shook most of the vetrans hands
  5. definatly drive if possible as looks funny ariving on a low loader plus you have to find two spaces
  6. ok have just got my details i will be staying in a hotel at honfleur from tommorow night and will be visiting the beaches and various other places with the vetrans over the weekend so if i see any hmvf flags out i will come say hello heres to a good weekend as it starts in the morning at 04.30
  7. or try the man at blackboys in sussex he has a few jags outside
  8. not sure where to put this but is it possible to put a link for this this mans work into the next magazine as he has done things that most of us wish we had the courage to do :yay:http://www.philpacker.com/london_marathon.php:yay: a credit to many of headly courts survivors and a inspiration hopefully to us all mods please move if in wrong place as couldnt find the right one
  9. it dosnt matter who is there they still do not have a clue about it
  10. just heard on the radio charles is going
  11. well someone has to jack mind you after w&p you could always have a new padded front seat made for it or a specially made hair tow rope made up
  12. very lucky i would say definatly the week to buy a lotto ticket
  13. jack you have got to delegate it out mate even when i dont quite know whats wrong with my landy i go and get help from friends and together work it out otherwise you just say you work and own a MANS TRUCK but know nothing about how it works this is called being a steering wheel attendent i always call for reme's help
  14. pete you dont know just how much help you were a big thank you from the cwp team and next year hopefully we will have you in the team area for a bevy or few
  15. very true mate:cool2::cool2::cool2::cool2:
  16. ok daft question but where are you all staying and where are the camps so as soon as i know where you are i might be able to get to you
  17. :yay:yes and getting paid to do it as well:yay::yay:
  18. ok if anyone sees a white lynns travel eastbourne coach give me a wave still unsure where i will be based and where visiting as the boss is away till wed morning but do know it will be in the british areas as carying normandy vets on board as soon as i know will post and find people nearby to visit i hope
  19. ok am i missing something here has the ship sunk or been on fire or something
  20. any old plane that flies is worth every penny spent keeping it flying just listing out for when the old planes fly over eastbourne compared with the new jets gives me goosebumps every time long live the bbmf and all ex service planes
  21. doubt it we tend to use the tunnel and drive the extra miles
  22. what do you expect the history books only really show the americans landing not so much is shown about the comenwelth troops that had been fighting except for dunkirk ok who has some c4 for the tunnel when brown goes through to li*k american and french a**
  23. ok i will be coming over with a lot of normandy vets on the 4th not sure where i will be staying yet as have not got any tour details yet
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