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David Ives

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Everything posted by David Ives

  1. so which test are they putting you through mate manual or auto
  2. can i ask when in mid may as if here before 17th may why not come over to the bunker bash which is north of london for the weekend before heading over the water
  3. final list as far as i know please check that you are here myself cook x1 plains team x6+ cw x 2 chris x15 phil x1 neil x 2 paul x1 steve p x 1 paul a x 2 mark x 1 rambo x 8 ashley x 1 mark X 1 fc101daz x 7 dave P (plus poss 1) john s x 2 phil rmp x3 paulox x3/6 101 sean x2 tankieman x1 dougie x 1 zoe x 2? keith x2 total so far 60
  4. plains and bunker definatlly a few local shows including ringmer which is on the same time as w&p and hopefully southwick park again if its on this year
  5. i recon its for the new enterprise pathfinder tours on the front page folks
  6. ok ladies and gents list is now closed and as far as we know everyone should have their names below that have said they are definatly comming if your name is not here please let myself or tony know asap a few might say that this is just a pw meet but it has been open to everyone unfortunatly jack:nono: and the cubes have had to drop out but this year will be bigger than last year and will be run as a military exercise looking forward to all the new and old faces:yay:full movement orders will be posted the last week of april copied from tony's website tonight Pete..........Lightweight. Pete..........Lightweight (Dutch) alen...........lightweight Douge.......Lightweight. Vic.............Lightweight. Mark..........Lightweight. Fred...........Lightweight. Chaos........Lightweight. Daren.........Lightweight.------NEW Dave Ives..SER3 RMP Landy. Paul...........SER3 Landy. Pete...........SER3 FFR Landy. Marlin.........SER2a Landy. Rob............SER3 Landy / Walt. Rambo........110 Landy. Daren..........110 Landy. Pete............110 Landy (RMP). Alfresco.......110 Landy (RMP). DaveP.........110 Landy Station Wagon. PeteB..........110 Landy. Ghost...........110 Landy. Cris...............110 Landy. NEW Sean............101 Landy. Daren............101 Landy. Pete..............101 Landy. Phil................101 Landy. Paul...............101 Landy. John...............101 Landy Radio vehicle-----NEW ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ChrisG...................Champ. Danny...................Champ. Phill.......................Champ. Rich.......................Champ. Pete......................Champ. Brian.....................Champ. Dave.....................Champ. Ken.......................Champ. Walter..................Champ. Cat.......................Champ. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ash.......................Jeep. HK Dave................Jeep. Andrew.................1942 GPW------NEW PhilB.......................Matador. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dave......................Militant RV. Dave......................Militant RV. Mark......................Pioneer RV. Paul.......................Bedford TM. Dave......................DAF GS. John.......................SUMB Robin......................GAZ66 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dave......................Centurion Static----------------PENDING DaveP....................FV432 Rarden Static-----------PENDING Douge....................FV432 SIGs Static--------------PENDING John.......................Ferret. Nick........................Ferret. Paul.......................Pig. Kev........................Stolly. Neil........................Stolly. Dave......................Stolly. Dave......................Stolly. Paul.......................Stolly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ KTM KTM CAN-AM MT 500 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I know from now till May we will loose a few of these vehicles for one reason or another, but hopefully we will gain a few. As mentioned before there will be a vehicle stand down for the Saturday morning. This will give us the chance to get some local Regiments, ACF and West Down over for a look at the vehicles, meet the guys and gals and get a look at what Plain Military are trying to achieve. Anyone staying overnight at the campsite with a vehicle will have to pay £5 per night, and there will be a £10 charge for food for the weekend. All tea and coffee will be on tap to all Range Staff and visitors. I will post the Pub hours very soon, so bring your dosh, it could be a long night. Anyone wishing to contribute to the ABF charity may do so, a collection box will be on site, Every little counts. All routes will be sorted soon, This should be on the same lines as last year with the valley run again this year. Alternative routes will be sorted for anyone that doesn't feel they would like the Valley run. We are also planning an Armoury display so anyone with a gun, rocket, shell please let me know and I will put you on the list. Anyone that can not see there name or vehicle on this list please jump up and down till you are on here. Tony
  7. nah worried about breaking down and having to get towed home
  8. i know what it is its not he's busy but the truck wont start again
  9. well roger beat me to it as im away on tour at the minute at most events cwp will always be set up as a comand post for control in the 80's come over at the bunker bash and say hello
  10. no neil but remember last year we went to one area this year we have now got access to another area that is normally oob to the public that reme use
  11. they got me in cornwall as well doing 76 in a landrover i will have to find the camera and knock it down with a coach
  12. yes but something good has come up at last minute so stactic till 10.30 then over to a special area
  13. hope everything is ok rosie will miss you the weekend but we will meet up somewhere else i expect
  14. one reason asking is something has come up which means 10.30 latest dep sat morning so need to know of any latecomers and rambo what day are you coming
  15. can you put down what day your group is arriving and space required for camping in please and if in field or woods so like follows dave ives friday am 12x12 for cookhouse main area please copy previous list and add names thank you:sweat::sweat:
  16. whats the saying the 118 team know everything ha ha
  17. have a great day mate :yay::yay::yay::yay:and will see you soon:n00b:
  18. jack the royal signals unit in eastbourne are looking for radios to put in the redout museum for their displays maybe worth passing that info on
  19. cat i think your part of chris's group but i will put you extra if your not sure
  20. tony didnt you see us at military maham last year it was 118 and 59
  21. first is royal marines second not sure thougth
  22. either on the ground or placed on the middle of a vehicle
  23. camo net pole holders to spread out the poles from a central location
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