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David Ives

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Everything posted by David Ives

  1. one thing with that jacket most of the passengers know where to find me in a busy place some people recon that i failed the redcoats auditions and became a coach driver througth the shame
  2. ok as im off to the somme tommorow hopefully i will be able to visit beugney myself and do a update picture of his grave as all other photos seem to have been lost
  3. i was starting to wonder that how easy is it to swap the cabs over as the paint of the name maud would be the only identifing marks
  4. good luck with all your exams harry hope to meet up at a event and get told youve got all a's:yay::yay:
  5. see its not just me who poke their tounges out when caught off guard
  6. well you got the side of me in the photo of the green goddess in my red jacket
  7. not sure which was kevins camp but i was wearing my tie and red jacket all day
  8. dont blame the day the day is to celebrate our forces and other events are going on all round the country if anyone is intersted please email before 9pm as will be off to bed early so i can get the coach there for 10.30 will miss the parade but thats life
  9. if any members want to go i have 4 spare wristbands available the only drawback will be you will miss the first parade but should get in for the drumhead service as i wont be getting there till 10.30 ish first come gets the wristbands
  10. would have been even funnier if you had been caught in your truck thougth
  11. i have prayed to the weather gods and will even sacrifice a virgin if i can find one if you see a man in a red jacket and a lynns travel coach come and say hello
  12. i thought it was you so even pw vehicles are getting into cmv a lot more
  13. do you still want me to come down with the cookhouse for this event jack as will put in the diary if definate
  14. is anyone going to chatham on saturday for the forces day as i will be taking a coach over and was hoping to meet up with other members if their there
  15. just think jack two more and you wont be able to drive your mans truck
  16. glad to see your keeping bj busy whilst im away in cornwall
  17. this is why mine is covered to and from events and my military police plates are removed
  18. welcome to the mad house you dont have to have a vehicle here but by the sounds of it youve got access to a lot more vehicles than most of us
  19. if you look at the bunker bash pictures there was one there fully set up
  20. having a guess that must have been late evening as the tide was in and just rubbish sacks left around
  21. after the bb memorial flight came over montgomery three times and the lone spitfire as well the cheers that went up for these old planes were defenning so long may these tributes keep on flying and keep us rembering the part they played
  22. just let a few of the vets loose with them for a few minutes then pick up the pieces afterwards thats what i say
  23. met up with willow on aramanche beach and tried going round looking for hmvf members sorry if we diddnt meet
  24. yes tonys website is the plain military oneand you would even find your old one on there paul
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