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David Ives

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Everything posted by David Ives

  1. 321 with 3 bounces after about 30 goes
  2. http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/album.php?albumid=126&pictureid=1253

    link for loggydrivers bedford there is also a couple of other pictures there of the other choice with small box on the rear

  3. bedford should be in uk next week thanks to your link graham as he has a office not to far from where it is stored made it the same price as three of us going over plus fuel for two vehicles and a lot less hastle then a repaint and new box on the back
  4. yes but what a woman good luck mark
  5. craig wood is humble even now as when we got back up to the church and dismissed i went over and even thougth his hand is still bandaged he still shook mine when i offered he shows that even thougth injured he still lives inside i wish i could do more for men like him
  6. looks a lot like the old insulated stew/soup turins which kept the food hot
  7. from the front of the building you think you are going into a pub this is true but what lies behind is amazing:cool2: you pay 3 euros for a token then go into what i can only describe as the past there are numeous settings showing not only british french and belgum forces but also germans in settings that they would have been in mainly set up with plenty of original artifacts and photos after going into the main market square museum first which was heaving with school kids which was ok:-( i went to this one and would recomend it 300%:yay: if going to ieper then take time to visit this small venue it took me a hour to walk round noticing little details and then had a nice drink in the bar afterwards the pub is called t klein rijsel and is on rijselsestraat 208
  8. does anyone know how the radio/workshop bodies clamp onto the rear load decks of a bedford mk/mj and do they have a picture or a part no please:tup::
  9. most people wouldnt recognise the name but if i said the cockleshell heroes then they have heard of them he is buried locally to me at alfriston in sussex and here is a photo of his grave
  10. ok photos and a video of the popies falling sorry not a lot of photos but as was in the parade i couldnt take photos on the mach first one small plack at toc h in ypres main wreaths ours is in the middle video of the poppies falling
  11. dear santa please can i have a free six foot blond sex maniac woman a new tool set and a cooks outfit i have been good and even cleaned the landrover a few times
  12. attended the menin gate service yesterday and laid a wreath on behave of hmvf and cold war provost during main service will post photos later when i have had a sleep
  13. link here http://www.the-soldiers.co.uk
  14. bought the cd today a credit to the lads and a great cd to boot a small contribution goes from each sale to three service charitys well worth buying:yay::yay::yay:
  15. welcome to the mad house theres a few from sussex here
  16. link for bedford forum/vehicles/british/3and 4 ton trucks

  17. paul im afraid i now have to pull out as work has come in on sunday:( and monday i should be going to france to look at my new truck:cool2::yay::yay: so sorry but will be up for the next run:-D
  18. hi tony hope everything is ok down there

    as the plains tour is cancelled will see you in june at jacks do hopefully


  19. where in rotherfield are we meeting or is it by the po in the middle
  20. thanks for the offer but the mk is a 7.5 ton truck and could hold your landy in the back
  21. is there anyone in the sussex area that has a low loader that fancies a trip to normandy to pick up a bedford mk with me
  22. got to be a traveller relocating and only wanting to pay one ferry ticket
  23. ok i am trying to work out how to get a bedford back from france to the uk it is sorn and has no mot what way do i go about getting it back and what paperwork do i need to get
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