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Everything posted by landyandy

  1. change all your passwords regulary as sounds like you have malware on your comp,norton or mcafee won,t find it but try downloading super anti spyware,its free i have used it for 4 years and you will be amazed at what it finds on ur comp
  2. a few more pics of m74 while fitting a new hauser to hold the boom in place
  3. a set of rachet spanners ,useful bits of kit
  4. made my day its the fronts i have to change looks like i will have to make a set,not paying pinz prices for a not very often use
  5. just as a matter of interest do you have a set of spring compressers for pinz ?
  6. oh thats so much better thankyou joris and the team
  7. you can still buy the panels and various fittings so it would still be possible to make a new tub
  8. still slow and keeps disconnecting
  9. still slow on firefox,chrome and ie and keeps disconecting quite often
  10. i keep getting this and also when clicking new page says cannot comunicate with web page but refresh and all is fine but slow
  11. would this be in france or usa ?
  12. glad you both enjoyed it and would like to see your trailer when finished as its a unusual piece of kit
  13. stretching depends on wether its drive cog in track or on outside
  14. http://www.milweb.net/webverts/60092/
  15. the crusaders were amazons of which we had the one with dyson trailer in the Reme museum,don,t no were the other one went
  16. its the same bad economics as shipping them back from the falklands which is were my 110 was based
  17. is it something stupid like extranius item stopping movement, i,d look down that avenue first as in past on jobs if i had looked there first ,saved a lot of time and swear words
  18. found this chally ,don,t quite no how it ended up like this
  19. would this be the said item ? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NOS-Land-Rover-Series-1-2-3-101-Military-Fuel-Tap-Tank-Military-FFR-Bedford-/140647950277?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&hash=item20bf4567c5#ht_500w
  20. video of the M74 at slab common
  21. yep its all coming together now,john built a peak and hold box for the injecter system to take the load off the megasquirt so each injecter is now indevidualy controlled and also a test box built in to see if they are all working,first show we will do is overlord subject to getting the transporters in
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