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Everything posted by landyandy

  1. he lives at crowthorne i think has a scammell explorer in blue as well
  2. : GOST 6794-75 AMG-10 lic 10 would be the equal here reseaching the other as i have conversion charts at work
  3. over the years through trial and error have found that 16/18 lbs works well,stops all the wobble when at speed
  4. we have one of those bloody handy tool
  5. sorry to say but that was the last time you will probably see the conq out running,i,m not going into the reasons why,it may be known by some but john and i will not be working at the collection in the near future
  6. out of the £30 fee £19 is land rental cost,£7 per driver liability insurance and the rest go,s on advertising and costs for running the events
  7. its still got a few gremlins appearing as we use it but all minor and easily fixed but all is good with it
  8. our little line up will be conqueror arv sherman m74 trv gaz 69 uaz 452 scammell amazon and dyson trailer scammell contractor and girder trailer
  9. Sherman BARV at SEME Borden we still have it at the museum
  10. we will be out on sunday 11th march at slab common,borden with the conq and may be we will have the antar out for a drive
  11. pins now turned down and ready to fit once the new bushes arrive
  12. a couple of pics of the one in our collection being worked on for mot and registered,will be out at shows with the gaz 69
  13. you are correct,civy reg on all of them and inconspicuous colours and lots of night movements and tarps ,our amazon is one of them,just trying to see if the others are still about and who owns them
  14. one and the same just different departments,it were all the mbt.s were developed
  15. it was painted yellow for a very good reason it was recovery for dra,s 2 amazons when hauling prototype tanks between ranges ,yellow so it looked like any other wrecker,the amazons were blue
  16. can any one remember a yellow scammell eka that was ex dra at chertsey ,is it still about or know of its wereabouts,it was seen at a few shows years ago
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