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Everything posted by Pzkpfw-e

  1. [TABLE] [TR] [TD=colspan: 2]http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887324432004578302480951570270.html#printMode?KEYWORDS=Tanks [/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: afpostattach, colspan: 2][/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: afpostsig, colspan: 2][/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: afposteditdate, colspan: 2, align: right][/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] Nowt great, but does show how much these beasts cost to restore & run.
  2. After a bit of Googling, the plane I made my first flight in, is a Bulldog, G-AYWO, first registered in 1971, so there's a hard date for the sunny photos! It's now registered with a Hungarian company as HA-TVB.
  3. Quite a few Butterfly bombs come to light.Grimsby seems to be fertile ground for these little buggers! http://www.thisisgrimsby.co.uk/Grimsby-s-horrific-night/story-11539274-detail/story.html#axzz2MTmpLVsj
  4. Careful with the incendiary bomb's casing, I believe they were made out of Magnesium. It will corrode quite easily, more importantly, although it'll take some doing to ignite it, once burning, you'll struggle to put it out!
  5. Thought it looked a touch on the small side!
  6. SMLE, 1895-1957? The Yanks wil come tops, the B52's first flight in April 1952, quite possibly they'll be still in service into 2040!
  7. There are a number of PzIV, plus possibly a JagdPanzer IV still dug in, on the Golan Heights. They were under Syrian control, any that were used were made short work of by Israeli Centurions etc. http://www.dishmodels.ru/wshow.htm?p=1953 No Panthers ever made their way to the Middle East. That legend's up there with "The Vietnam Panther"
  8. A few more. Anson from the Skyfame collection. N9742. BBMF's Lanc, before its dorsal turret was refitted. Buccaneer. Concord, now preserved at Duxford. Hunter, was there any better confirmation of "If it looks right, it is right"! Proctor , another one of Skyfame's? The Reds heading my way. A sight that Ramstein put a stop to. Your humble scribe, off for his first flight! RR's Spit, sadly destroyed in a fatal crash at Woodford in 1992. Hart & Tomtit behind it.
  9. They are Argoseys, I've stuck about 140 photos onto discs, copied from slides. I'll upload some more, but my internet link's pretty crapy - dongle only, too far from civilisation (ie 10 miles!) to get it down a wire) Looking at the slides, I think there's two seperate shows here, the weather's sunny in one, cloudy in another. Two Belfasts - "Ajax" & "Spartacus". The Beverley appears to be XL148, scrapped 25/3/70 at Shrewesbury. It might be , which is preserved at Aeroventure (Doncaster?) Other planes include Hawker Hunters, from 27 Squadron; one's XG191. BBMF's Lanc, without its dorsal turret, part-visible are Hawker Tomtit K1786 and a Hart/Hind K205x, Beagle XS782, Vulcans XL367 (?), XM603 (Preserved at Woodford), XM574(Scrapped), a Victor (no serial visible), Anson "FV-X", Buccaneer, Concorde (the one now at Duxford?), a Meteor with a very pointy nose, Percival Proctor IV G-ANXR, Good shout about the Swift, it does look like one to me too.
  10. Oops, bloody obvious it's a 6pdr, not a 75mm!
  11. Pzkpfw-e

    Airshow 197?

    Dug out a lot of slides from aged mother's abode & put them onto CDs. Here's a few. RAF Finningley, either late 60's or very early 70s (Judging on when some items crashed or were scrapped!) Memories of the "Vulcan Scramble" Four taking off in trail (Must have a picture of that somewhere) The Reds with their Gnats. Phantom on reheat. Major fingers in ears time. Lightning, this one ended up in the sea off Mablethorpe in October '74. Blackburn's might Beverley. Short's equally might Belfast. Hawker Siddeley's Andover. And to finish the transport section, the Hercky-bird. XV214? BBMF's MkXIX PM631. And their Hurricane LF363. The much-missed Mosquito RR299. They flew them low in them there days! Noord 1002 Pingouin, masquerading as a Bf108. This one was bent in a landing accident, some years back. Still unrestored? Shackleton, WR975?. If it is that one, then this photo is prior to 1971, because it was scrapped then. Nimrod, this one was junked in 2010. Vulcan XM612, now preserved at Norwich. Varsities, Dominies and Jet Provosts, out of Cranwell? Starfighter, this one survived to be sold to Turkey.
  12. Bov does have an AEC MkIII Armoured Car. This is on a Matador chassis. F8827 is currently in storage at Kapellen, Belgium and is part of the Royal Museum of the Armed Forces. The third (known) survivor is at Kubinka.
  13. Yup, Panther's gone for restoration and will be displayed with many of the other items from the old Falaise museum, in a purpose-built facility, the "Omaha Overlord Museum"
  14. http://www.aiolfipartners.com/ 31st May, some stuff from the old August 44 Museum at Falaise. Includes a few complete vehicles, Weasel, Jeep, etc & some "restoration projects" Sherman (Firefly?), two Otters, Sdkfz 7 chassis, M3(?) chassis, a few trucks and a heap of PzIV wheels. Another auction, for uniforms, helmets, badges & weapons (William Theffo Collection) is on the 1st & snd of June.
  15. The 21cm K38 is lurking in the storage area of Duxford. You can/could see the carriage when you cross the footbridge from the carparks on the far side of the mainroad. I think they brought it out to play occaisionally. Here we are, memory's right. German WW2 Gun [3] by wycombe boy, on Flickr German WW2 Gun [1] by wycombe boy, on Flickr
  16. It's often a way of getting around seller's fees.
  17. http://www.lrdg.de/landscape.htm
  18. Better places to dig on this thread. http://forum.keypublishing.com/showthread.php?t=36444&page=11 #318, a hole in Holland, full of the Luftwaffe! Somewhere, amongst the hundreds of posts, are a couple of pictures of an airfield in Indonesia, covered in redundant B24s etc!
  19. .... in Duitse! http://forum.keypublishing.com/showthread.php?t=36444&page=11 Scroll down to post 318
  20. Well, here's a Lightning in a 1995 photo. So I think we can guess what shape any Spitfires would have been in!
  21. I wonder if any of these "Buried tanks" will be found, if they do any excavating there?
  22. "Flirt II" MkIV at the Museum of Lincolnshire Life. There's http://www.marcusglenn.com/ near Spalding, he's got a Stuart (for sale too). If you pop over the border into Notts,there's a Chieftain outside the paintball/Go-cart place at Ancaster, near Grantham. Couple of FV432s at the cafe on the A17 at Fleet Hargate.
  23. The Duster's one of the ones sunk in the Red Sea as dive objects. The Sherman's one of several sat amidst the wreck of the Empire Heritage, off Malin Head, Donegal. HMS Audacious lies nearby too.
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