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Everything posted by Pzkpfw-e

  1. The "Swedish King Tiger" came from France, bought in 1947. Took a lot of getting to Sweden! Its engine, gear box & a hatch are all that's left. http://www.achtungpanzer.com/the-swedish-pzkpfw-vi-ausf-b-knigstiger.htm
  2. No, not been a runner, probable not even when it was found at Sennelager. It's missing several road wheels on its left side. It's the mild-steel, V2 prototype. It was missing its gun too, the one that's "fitted", is just held inplace with a block of wood. The commander's cupola is also missing. As far as I know, it does have its internals, unlike the ex-Shrivenham example.
  3. The E100 was brought back to Bov for examination, so I suspect that's where that video's taken.
  4. http://www.flickr.com/photos/richard64pics/sets/72157633149041284/with/8613326704/ Budge Collection, 1988. (Where are they all now?) Beverley. (Ditto!)
  5. [video=youtube_share;44IWaZrBcXo] Panther being joy-ridden by GIs, a Tiger being shot-up by an Archer & the remains of the monsterous E100.
  6. Often seen with a tracked trailor. Said artillery trailor.
  7. Here's one on an M51 Isherman I've seen models of Sho't (Israeli Centurions) with searchlights, but can't find any "real" pictures of one.
  8. I watched this series, gripping viewing for a 12-year old. The theme music and the associated animation still haunts me, as that monochrome face dissolves into flame. [video=youtube_share;eqONgYHYo88]
  9. Here's a guide to differentiating the species. http://www.pzfahrer.net/hetzspecs.html http://www.pzfahrer.net/improve.html The biggies are the swapping of loader and commander positions and the Stuk40 gun, rather than the KwK39. Interestingly on theis one, the rear idler is different on either side. 8 hole one side, 4 the other.
  10. Seems to be some debate as to whether it's a "real" Panzerjager 38t or a G13, suggestion is the latter as it appears to have a Stuk40 gun, rather than a KwK39.
  11. http://www.ebay.com/itm/111194716247?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 $600K
  12. A bit of "rebranding"! Big enough lettering? Why walk, when you can ride?
  13. They had Churchill Mks IV, MkIV AVRE wreck, a Mk? Hull being restored and another couple of hull wrecks.
  14. Those corrections are in my copy, a sticky label with red letters!
  15. Not sure if it's of use to anyone, but makes an interesting read! Published in 1942, covers MkI-IV. Talk about maintainance intensive, 12-14 things to do daily, 23-4 to do weekly/every 250 miles, 22 every month/500 miles, 7 every 1,000 miles and 2 every 2,000 miles (Any of them last that long?)
  16. ARV hoiks a D9 out of the mire. [video=youtube_share;OpF2XJZh_GU] I wouldn't want to stand so close to that wire, personally!
  17. Found this on FB. https://www.facebook.com/#!/media/set/?set=a.561784543892561.1073741837.417632248307792&type=3 Plenty of softskins there too.
  18. Raft of the Medusa, by Gericault. It's in the Louvre & it's HUGE! Figures are life-sized.
  19. About 10.50am, a Jeep trundling along the M69 towards Leicester. Think I'd want a bit more than a fluorescent jacket/spare tyre wrap!
  20. Oops. http://novinenovosadske.rs/hrvatskoj-vojsci-tenk-ispao-u-jarak-foto/
  21. Yesterday, about 5pm, a couple of Bedfords on the back of a low loader, heading along the A617 from Newark towards Mansfield. Ex-Withams?
  22. One of the Afghan scrapyard wrecks.
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