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Everything posted by Pzkpfw-e

  1. I get a dozen phishing attempts a week, Paypal, Bank (Any bank, doesn't matter I'm not with them),Amazon account, anything that involves passwords. I reckon they bank on people using the same password on many accounts, get one, just put that & the e-mail address into any bank website and see if they get anywhere. Only been caught once, luckily just on Evilbay, when someone tried to sell a motorbike using my account. Not a very clever attempt, motorbike being in California, me in the UK!
  2. Slack news day, the exact identity wasn't confirmed before.
  3. Ha, "Clamp or tow this"!:-D
  4. Excellent, that's being knicked. Proper tank too.
  5. What happens when you drop your Kindle in the bath?
  6. For "Fire & Forget" books, I can see it happening, ditto for the likes of encyclopaedias etc, but how long will an e-reader last? A book lasts for virtually eternity, I've got books from the 1940s, my mum's got one (OK, very battered) from the 1700s. If e-readers are like other chipped devices, they'll fail within 5 years and your library will die with it!
  7. Anyone been asked to go to the stores for a long stand or a bag of tappit clearances?
  8. The beaches were used for many months as part of the supply chain, the French, Belgian & Dutch ports were heavily damaged and needed a lot of clearing & rebuilding before they could be used.
  9. Looks thoroughly unpleasant!
  10. Several items need "saving" http://www.warbirds.in/galleries/tag/10/WW2
  11. That one's the 105mm version. Here's the 75.
  12. I bet he can hear a Churchill sobbing quietly in the dark, cold & wet!:nut:
  13. [video=youtube_share;h6ygpaPKQdA] One of Bekker's funnies.
  14. http://www.aiolfipartners.com/catalogues/ Medal catalogue up, also vehicles, bladed weapons, guns & artillery for sale.
  15. The tank's an AMX 13, the APC is, I believe, an AMX VCI (AMX VTT), same chassis as the tank. The SPG "Maestricht 1742" is a 105mm howitzer on the same chassis, AMX Mk 61 (AMX-105A) Automoteur de 105 du AMX-13 en casemate.
  16. Has it ever been used? The way governments waste my tax money........:mad::banghead::angry
  17. Where did they all go? Mostly scrapped, many British towns & cities received a "Presentation Tank", few of them survived into the 1930s. Many guns succumbed to the scrap drives in WW2. The Yanks scrapped their A7V at the APG in 1942, the surviving Bertha was cut up in the 1950s!
  18. Well, that answers my question as to why there are a lot of Churchills preserved in Iraq! Edit - look at some other posts on that site! http://milinme.wordpress.com/category/land-rover/page/2/
  19. V* was a lengthened version of the MkV, a 6' section was added to enable it to cross the wider trenched on the Hindenburg Line. http://www.tanks-encyclopedia.com/ww1/gb/tank_MkV.php The Char 3C, was a "Paper Char" never making it into production. All 10 Char 2C made, were lost as they were being transported to the front in 1940. One, No99 "Champagne", was captured intact, being displayed in Berlin. It was captured by the Soviets in 1945, last being seen in 1948 in East Germany. http://www.chars-francais.net/new/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=584&Itemid=69
  20. http://www.meng-model.com/new.php?id=379 A foot long.
  21. A bit late in seeing this request, you've a number of choices, outside of Africa, it'd be in "Dunkelgelb" (Dark Yellow). The exact shade(s) of that is still hotly contested. http://www.militarymodelling.com/forums/postings.asp?th=69323 In North Africa, more options. A good list here of all colours used. http://forum.worldoftanks.eu/index.php?/topic/22313-german-wehrmacht-camouflage-ral-color-ww2/
  22. Here's the King Tiger "as found". As an aside, the JagdTiger also. It's mating with the Grille 17, I don't know if that ever made it as far as the UK before being scrapped.
  23. Take a visit to http://the.shadock.free.fr/Surviving_Panzers.html and fill your boots! Tiger 1s Bov (Runner), Kubinka, Saumur, Fort Benning, Vimoutiers, Lenino-Snegri & Munster (This one's probably been welded together from several wrecks) Wheatcroft has lots of chunks, probably not enough to cobble together a full shell. Tiger II Bov x 2, Saumur (Runner), Munster, La Gleize, Thun/Full (Restoration to runner in progress), Kubinka & Fort Benning. Again Wheatcroft's acquired several large chunks and special mention to one that's mostly buried under the D913 at Mantes-la Jolie. Elephants Kubinka & Fort Benning. Panthers 26 more or less intact (ie at least hull & turret in one piece, or under restoration), with 10 JagdPanthers & 2 BergePanthers plus several other substantial remains. T34s & Shermans - profuse numbers! Maybe even some T34/85 still in service in darkest Africa & even darker North Korea. Churchills 55 with guns or petards, a lot of others with bridges etc, concrete-filled wrecks and other substantial remains.
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