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Everything posted by Pzkpfw-e

  1. Heading for Smith's in the morning!
  2. For the benefit of the pedantic. KRIEGSMARINE Happy now?
  3. Wat cae first, the Packhard or the RR Silver Cloud? Sherman looks like an M4A3 (76mm).
  4. Bought this a few years ago. I got "Looked At" by her indoors when I walked indoors with it!
  5. He was born in 1901, tried to enlist in 1915, his mother went to fetch him back from the recruitment office. Joined the Royal Navy just post WW1, served in submarines in the 1930s(HMS Perseus) , was in the same Flotilla as HMS Poseidon which sank after a collision with a steamer and was controversially salvaged by the Chinese. He served 12 years, then re-enlisted in 1939, served on destroyers, had HMS Havant sunk under him at Dunkirk, winning the Distinguished Conduct Medal for going below to stop the engines, as the props were killing men in the water. Had HMS Queen Elizabeth sunk under him in Alexandria harbour, subsequently being medically discharged with stomach ulcers. His medals. Number 2 Magazine flooding keys, probably the only bit of HMS Havant that's not sat on the seabed off Dunkirk.
  6. [video=youtube_share;1iLwSGqjk-4] Looks like an event worth a visit!
  7. Great day there, sunny, plenty to see, even more vehicles than last year. Big thumbs up to the very harrassed looking organisor! https://www.facebook.com/adam.gallon/media_set?set=a.10151796846983984.1073741835.697708983&type=3&uploaded=27 My favourite - because I'm a Tank-Tart and there wasn't any Panzer Porn there!
  8. It's a FAMO with a 10-tonne crane, I believe. Flintshire ambulance is a bit of a WTF moment!
  9. More pictures. http://www.flickr.com/photos/foantje/sets/72157632037551397/with/8195720485/ The stuff he's got there's amazing! Where did that Biber come from?
  10. It's a Scheuch-Schlepper, designed by Rudolf and Eugen Scheuch initially as an agricultural tractor, then as a more conventional four-wheel design, used as a bomb-cart tractor ('Bombentransporter'). Here's a better view of the beastie. Heller's lovely little 1/72nd model comes with one.
  11. Came from my late grandfather, probably got it when he was in the Med. Manufactured by Eickhorn at Solingen. Still in business.
  12. Wife's got a horsey thing on the Monday, so that means on my bike! Beer tent here I come!
  13. Ekranoplans. Wing in ground effect planes. http://englishrussia.com/2010/03/12/ekranoplan/ I think that the Soviet Union was the only state to seriously explore this idea.
  14. http://www.mmwarszawa.pl/photo/1837116/%C5%9AWI%C4%98TO+WOJSKA+POLSKIEGO+2013+W+WARSZAWIE Some new stuff, lots of old (replicas?).
  15. http://www.ammsbrisbane.com/home.html?L0=4&L1=1&L2=0&L3=0 Now that's going to be one big model! Made by MENG. http://www.meng-model.com/index2_new.php?id=184
  16. Ah, so that's what was going on. Passed through on Friday afternoon.
  17. No signs of any Waffen SS there! Panzertruppen wore the black uniforms. The tank is a Panzer IIIN replica, based on an FV432 chassis, the half track is an Sdkfz251/10 replica, based upon a Czech OT810.
  18. His Panzer IV is now part of the new Normandy Tank Museum.
  19. One of the more secretive collectors! Some very interesting items.
  20. Time to get the grandson hooked on military vehicles! Only a few miles from me, so I'll be there!
  21. Seen yesterday on the M1 south, near Trowell services. Bridgelayer behind it and scissor bridge on an 8x8 behind that!
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