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Adrian Barrell

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Everything posted by Adrian Barrell

  1. What really, truly worries me is what the hell is Martin playing with...?
  2. Well it is a Churchill VII but with a BESA not a flame projector. Half a point?
  3. I think this is a very critical point. I used to understand that it was only goods vehicles that it applied to but is of course, any vehicle that would have to be plated and tested by virtue of it's weight i.e. 3500 kg unladen.
  4. More likely swingle tree which is a term from horse and carriage use. It is the bar that links two horses together to the cart (or something like that!). In the carrier, the steering rods work on a plate that loosely resembles a swingle tree in shape.
  5. That's what I thought, though several people told me they felt it had more stalls! It seemed much less full to me though with lots of people wandering aimlessly, it made it hard to look at the stalls....:-D £10 to get in this year, any bets on next years entry price?
  6. I don't think, however, that posting your photographs on here transfers your copyright to HMVF. If so, then I'll not be posting anymore!
  7. There are three basic systems in use. 1. Clutch/brake. Much as you described, common in plant and some tanks, particularly Russian but also Valentine. 2. Controlled differential. Like it says, a differential controlled by brakes, one each side. Quite common, though wasteful of power. Used by Stuart, Sherman, FV430 series etc. 3. Regenerative. This is a more complex system often known as triple differential. This uses a train of gears, often epicyclics and controlled by brakes. Little power is wasted because each track is driven but at a different speed, the ratio varying with the selected gear. Most common is the Merritt Brown as used in Churchill, Cromwell, Centurion etc. There are and have been other systems in use, track warping, Wilson epicyclic steering units etc etc but they are all variations on a theme.
  8. If you ask me very, very nicely (and pay a suitable bribe) you may be a lucky boy too! If you think you can handle it.......
  9. What Baz said.....and, they are Klixon breakers which are also available as manually resettable with a small red button.
  10. Hi Tim, the tyres are new production from Holland. They should last a long time! Even during the war, shedding tyres was a problem if speed exceeded 20 mph for long periods, the diameter is relatively small, 20", and they get quite warm in use.
  11. I prefer Clover if it's alright with you......:wave: Oh and Bodge doesn't need a ride, he's moving up to a drive.................
  12. It certainly fits M36 and probably M10 too. Is it for sale? Oh and you're not old.....anyone younger than me is not old!
  13. Hi Jason, welcome to the animal farm....... We poms specialise in German impressions. Vot iz your name? is a favourite! :rotfl: (with apologies to our German friends)
  14. As I was a foreigner, I was assigned a liason nurse, her name was Barbara Spankova......In true Sean Connery style, I thought ''I must be dreaming''.
  15. No problem Steve, I was perhaps over generalising a little, I'm glad you posted the pictures. I have to agree, the parts removals does look a bit savage but it may be removal of the whole vehicle was not allowed and a small window of time available for parts retrieval, I don't know, just speculating! I do know the removal of the guns was commisioned.
  16. Growing old is mandatory, growing up isn't! :nut:
  17. Without knowing the whole story Eddy, I would refrain from being too critical. It certainly did have damage, some of which is visible in the pictures above and on the Churchill gallery thread. Having said that, it was very restorable before being stripped. It is not always possible to 'do it right'. I and others on here have a lot of range experience and know that sometimes you have to make the most of an opportunity. Oh and no, it wasn't me!
  18. Steve, I have never looked for the M10 cards. I know they have very few Sherman V cards, certainly not mine anyway! I have copies of the Cromwell and Charioteer cards but of course, cruiser tanks have no identity but their T number.
  19. The King of Jordan is building a Tank Museum, he is a tankie himself.
  20. That would have been the dynamometer Churchill. Was later repainted green and used as a commentry box but I don't remember seeing it when I last went. Mind you, I wasn't looking for it either! I'm sure Steve or John can fill in all the details.
  21. I cannot straighten my arm anymore, the end of my ulna was completely smashed so it's now a funny shape (matches the rest of me!). I've two pins and a knot of wire in there but it causes me no real problems now. The film is shown here nearly every week too. I sometimes watch the first couple of minutes, have a chuckle and then turn it over!
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